Monday, April 22, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Could the purr be anything but contemplative? - Irving Townsend 

I had lots of time to contemplate this weekend. Mum abandoned me! Yeah, that time of the year and she is off to play with racy cars. 

She left on Caturday morning and left with me with lots of foods and made it back home by early Sunday evening. I didn't even eat all of my foods. Mum freshed it up as soon as she got back. 

Mum saw this container and got closer to look. Hey, those aren't treats inside but kitty litter! Kitty litter!? Why do they need that? Cuz sometimes those racy cars take a leak! MOL. 

 So once mum got home and did her thing. I sat on her and we watched the moving picture box. 

So, mum is resting today! I don't blame her!

See you next week.


  1. We always keep a bag of kitty litter in the garage in case of an oil leak, usually from the old tractor.

  2. I think she owes you some ham or prawns or duck, Ducky. Give her a tough time until she delivers you something really special to make up for your weekend alone.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Seriously, could she leave you for even a few minutes?

  4. Sometimes a bit of alone time to think does us good, I know I always enjoy when the house is empty for a bit.

  5. Being left alone fer almost days? We know you were sure glad ta see her again!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.