Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

The hots are here, temps in the 90s and humid. Only outside for minimal periods. I got the lawn mowed last week when it was cooler and it likely won't need it again until next week. 

Lots of time to read, plus trying to keep the tendonitis in my hip from flaring up even more. Something I have had for many  years and usually goes away in a day or two. Not this time. Gentle exercise, sitting properly and some PT in the future, but it takes three weeks to get an appointment. 

I did find out that the librarian who left the library wanted to get into being a children's librarian and found a position elsewhere. He was working in the adult area at our library. His wife is a doctor, so he has the ability to change jobs and even work part time. 

I worked my way through my TBR, made sure what I had on it was available. Also checked my author list for new books, which added a few more goodies. My list is not getting shorter!

Daisy Darker is a page turner. The Darker family is gathering at the family home to celebrate Nana's 80th birthday. The family home is on a tiny tidal island and access is cut off during all but low tide. Think Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None.

Going Zero, another thriller. Cy Baxter has developed software that can track down anyone. The CIA and Homeland Security wants a test to see that it really works. Ten people are chosen to "go zero" or disappear. If they can evade detection for 30 days they get 3 million tax free. Can it be done? A delightful twist midway through the book!

The First Ladies is historical fiction relates the friendship that developed between Eleanor Roosevelt and Mary McLeod Bethune. A unique friendship at the time as Bethune was the daughter of former slaves, devoting her life to civil rights and improved education rights. 


I am an old lady, well, sort of. I have books in my house and a library full of them as well. I know last week many of you picked free books for life. That is what my library is for, free books. 


Happy Reading.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes! - Theophile Gautier

A pic of me and of Derby too of our eyes. Two of mum's fav pics of the two of us!

 Mum even wrote a haiku years ago about Derby's eyes. 

I'm a pretty cat

There is no doubt of that fact

Wisdom in my eyes. 

The hots are here and mum has the air chiller working just fine. Keep us cool while things are warm outside. Mum was bouncing between racy cars and the thee-ate-er awards. 

Do you see me? Have a good week.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

It has been nice, several days in a row with no rain and some decent temperatures. Summer sunshine too. 

I have at least one baby robin, I think there is more based upon the noise that was coming in my bedroom window this AM during feeding time. A different sort of alarm clock. Although very early! I rolled over and went back to sleep. 

My two library friends and I are discussing a road trip of sorts. The local library system is having a contest this summer for visiting every library, all 24 of them. You have to go there, find the key word for that library and then get your map stamped. You get entries for every 6 libraries you visit, so potentially four entries. They also do provide a map with suggested routes for six libraries at a time which could be done on one day. Stay tuned.

Death Knells and Wedding Bells Lucy and Connor's wedding day has arrived. Slight glitch, a dead body, one of the wedding guests is found dead after the reception. Who done it and why?

Shutter - Rita is a forensic photographer with the Albuquerque PD. Native American she has the ability to see the ghosts of crime victims. One of her victims insists she was murdered versus suicide like the cops say and bugs Rita into investigating things, which may not have a happy ending for Rita.

Central Park West the murder of the former governor, was it his soon to be ex-wife or a hit job by the mob? Conspiracy, corruption? Yes, the author is the former FBI Director. Entertaining book, but not likely to read more if he writes more.

The Senator's Wife medical mystery, thriller and psychological suspense. Is the senator's wife ill from her auto-immune disease, suffering from post surgical complications or something else. Good one, I couldn't put it down. 

Pathogenesis, the sub-title is A History of the World in Eight Plagues. I thought the author would discuss various plagues over the years. Not really, more of the history of man and how it has been influenced by various germs over the years.

Sarah Churchill, Duchess of Marlborough is a comprehensive biography of the title character. She was the wife of John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough and a direct ancestor of both Winston Churchill and Lady Diana Spencer (the late Princess of Wales). A recent movie The Favourite is based partly on her life and relationship with Queen Anne. 


Happy Reading!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

One of the oldest human needs is having someone to wonder where you are when you don't come home at night. - Margaret Mead 

Well, I am home at night. Cuz I don't go anywhere unless mum makes me go, like the stabby place. Now even if I am home sometimes she wonders where I am!

Had a little excitement this past week. Early Friday AM, like 1 AM, the stoopy fire detector thingy decided to go off, and keep going off for a couple of minutes. Mum investigated, no fire. Then it did it again, twice in the evening. Mum called the fire department!

A big fire truck came, ambulance too, three hunky fire guys. They did a really good check and no fire either. Mum had them take the misbehaving smoke beeper with them! Plus one of them noticed me and asked about me. Thanks!

Mum got a few pics of me on the sly. I was napping so nice behind her and I hear a click. The flashy box, let me have my nap in peace lady!


Mum got the griller machine going on Sunday. Her faves, steak and eggyplant. Yum. Plus she did some shrimps but forgot to take a pic. Yep, I got some little tastes. Nom, nom, nom! Delish.

So, I actually have something to report this week!

You all have a good week.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

It is June and the weather has gotten warmer, more humid and more rain. So good for being inside, reading and other inside pursuits. 

Bummed that we heard from the library that the librarian who ran the trivia nights is leaving! So no trivia next week. We are going out to dinner instead with a gift card we won a couple of months ago. Hopefully they can find someone to take it over. We had fun doing trivia and were getting really good at it.

Bleeding Heart Yard is an actual place in London, a small secluded spot with restaurants and jewelry stores. The spot is the scene of one of the three deaths in this book. All of them relate to a reunion of old friends who were involved in a death while they were in school. Did any of them have anything a reason to murder or are they just the victims.

The Twyford Code is a book about a puzzle within a puzzle. I found it hard to read. Most of the book text is transcriptions of audio files. But these audio files point to solving the "crime of the century." If you are a word puzzle freak you might like this book better than I did.

George VI and Elizabeth is a book about the marriage of these two, parents of Queen Elizabeth II. While most of it was known, the earlier part of their marriage was new material to me. Along with a more in depth look at his declining health.

Romantic Comedy a cute book based on the following premise. Average men have no issues being with beautiful and successful women. But does the average woman have the same chance with a successful and handsome man? Sally a writer for a show like SNL meets the weekly musical guest who is also the host. Do sparks fly and how long does it last?

 Hmmm, I"m thinking making a fictional character fall in love with me. Which one? I'm not telling!

Made with love, and I am still working on crochet projects. Making hats from all of the leftover bits of yarn from making blankets. I haven't counted how many I have done, but I still have lots of leftover yarn to get through. 


Happy Reading. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 If a cat did not put a firm paw down now and then, how could his human remain possessed. - Winifred Carriere 

First a big purr out to Jackie. Mum sending her purr-ayers too. Eric and Flynn were a couple of the original Gorgeous Gingers. I am sure that Derby is joining in from The Bridge with Eric and Flynn for their mum.

So, about my retirement. I said I am thinking about it. I am not getting any younger, I don't have much to say, even once a week! Mum's stuff will be continuing and you know I can always make guest appearances!

This was me last night. I was supposed to be snoopervising mum while she did her crow-shay. Boring, so I took a nap. So nothing much to report on. We had some nice days and some rainy days. Mum used the grass eater. 

The one weird thing she did yesterday is that she went to do her workout place to ride the bike. She left me at home with the big windows that go to the floor, OPEN! Yes, anyone could have come in and stole me! Mum says yeah, she goofed. But we live in a really safe area and people don't break into house here. 

So that is my roundup for the week. Have a good one.