Thursday, March 24, 2011

Almost the Weekend

We are chillin'. Really, it got all cold this week again. We even got a little bit of snow overnight. It all went away today, but still. We want open windows!
We are taking up where mum normally sits. She booted us out so she could sit and play with her new toy.

Seems the existing puter has been acting funny. Now she needs to get the new one all set up. That is what the weekend is for, so guess we won't be visiting much. She has both puters going right now, trying to figure out the new one. Getting the recovery disks done, programs installed etc.

Hope all have a happy weekend.


  1. Oh, your mom is having such fun. hahaha. Not! You two are the lucky ones getting to nap while she works.

  2. We hope your mum figures out that new computer quickly!

  3. ooooooh, a new pooter? Mommy is all excited for your Mum!
    Our Mommy is a geek.

  4. Would you believe that my mom has four computers going in our house and that's not counting that "smart" phone thing.

  5. We suddenly got the cold here too. No window whiffies fer us yesserday.

  6. Our mama is also excited for your mama and her new computer! She says her next laptop will be AlienWare. We don't want any aliens here!

    That's an adorable face that Ducky is making! We're so glad he is all better!

  7. Setting up the new computer sounds way complicated! They should make it so easy that it does not take time away from kitties visiting their blogging pals.

  8. You kitties have got it right. I always sit in Marmie's spot. She has come to expect that if she gets up and goes to the bathroom, she will come back to a seat warmer!

  9. Well that's not fair! I bet you could have had fun with that too!

  10. Have good naps and stay warm while your mom figures out the new computer. That's what we did.

    Have a good weekend.

  11. New computers are exciting. We hope your mum doesn't get any problems setting it up. Are you both friends again now?

  12. My Human needs a new computer too, because she keeps thinking her old dinosaur one is about to d-i-e. I say she will keep putting it off and putting it off and then the hard drive will go all wonky and d-i-e and then she'll stomp around cursing. That's what I predict!!

  13. A new puter means more blogging by Mom fer you!

    ~Slash & Bronzy

  14. You boys look nice there together. Hoping Mom gets the new computer worked out easily - and that she loads it with ALL your pictures!

  15. Thats a time consuming task for Mum!
    You guys are going to get plenty of napping done!


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