Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday Update

HiYa, Ducky here. Yep, that is me, checking out our little Christmouse tree. It used to be Grampie's, so mum uses it now and thinks of him. Soon it will be two years since he went to heaven.

What is happening at Casa de D&D lately. Not much. It is sorta nice to have mum around during the day. We get more scritches since she is around. Someone to sit on and get heat from too. I love sitting on her boobities and doing biscuits on them. Mum call me her breasts examiner, MOL.

Plus since mum is around, the house is actually warmer during the day. So she doesn't get cold while she works on stuff. She is on the puter, on the phone about bizzness. Plus she is good about going outside and getting a good walk in every day. Well except on Sunday in the rain and snow.

Today she mailed our out of country Christmouse cards and a few other things. She still has some cards to work on, mostly those she needs to write stuff in. Otherwise, all is good.


  1. Oh holy moley, we totally missed the post about the package and was wondering why your mum was home! Well, it *is* nice having them home, isn't it, especially for the heat part! Plus, if you play your cards right, you might get treats too!

    We like your little tree. We are still waiting for our mom to get cracking on the decorations.

  2. That's a really nice little tree! Having Mom home is sure nice, isn't it?

    The Florida Furkids

  3. That is a very pretty little tree. We biggified the photo to get a better look at it.

  4. We don't even get a tree! (Princeton's fault) Good to hear from you kittehz. Have a great week. XOXO

  5. Ah a warmer house that is nice. The woman just sits and shivers... as do I. Sigh.

  6. That's a cute tree! And we're glad you guys are enjoying having your mum home.

  7. Wow, a tree, and all in one piece so far! That is pretty cool.

  8. I can tell you sure like your pretty little tree!

  9. Derby and Ducky - Yes, we are still accepting applications to be a Hot Mancat of the Blogosphere (I mean can a ladycat get too many Hot Mancats!??!!). Please send me an email at loca4gato at yahoo dot com and I will get the applications out to you!


  10. a small burd free tree iz de best kinda tree D & D...

    hope yur mom iz havin sum success in her search for whitefish :)

    tell her ta cheks out care.com az well...

    like there her can get werk helpin kittehs N pups !!!

  11. Your small tree is beautiful and just the perfect size. That's a hint to our people who say they aren't getting one this year. Stay toasty! Purrs...from your friends at Colehauscats.com

  12. Having the humans around is nice. We love the pretty little tree. Perfect size for cats.


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