Thursday, May 16, 2013

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. It is I, task master Virginger, reporting. I have good things to report. 
 First, last week the didn't quite finish the mulch job, well they came back and finished it up, so it looks nice. Next time mum says she will remind them that even the area under the fevver feeders has to be mulched.

 The trumpet vine is just showing signs of life with new growth. Everything is slow this spring.
 The beginning of the tree trimming pile. I kept on mum and she did good, got the trees and shrubs in the back yard all done. Dead branches gone, shrubs thinned and shaped, bad stuff cut down.
 This is what mum had piled up from earlier, the little evergreen and the old trumpet vine stalks.
 Then she took down two smallish trees that were growing between our house and the neighbors. Mum does all of this by hand with a bow saw. No noisy chain saw for her!
 Mum pulled the one tree out farther to work on it.
 The pile of all the stuff by the street, then this past Tuesday, the village came and took it all away!
Here is the robin's nest out front. We will keep an eye on it for you and try to provide updates as we can.


  1. Good work Mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Your mum's been busy! It looks like the area has good-sized properties, too, with a bit of space between homes. Nice! Lots of room for gardens! :-)

  3. We are so impressed and in awe of the great job your mom does with your garden! Our mom is lucky to have landscapers here at our condo do that work for us. The mulch looks great!

  4. virginger...pleez get with D & D az soon az possy bull sew they can eggs plane two ewe de dangerz oh a vizshuz burds nest N what lies in side....


  5. Of all the pictures, we like the trumpet vine showin signs of life! Somethin about hard-pruned plants that return we admire...

  6. Your mum works very hard to keep the garden looking lovely.


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