HiYa, Ducky here. Happy last Caturday of the year 2017. Not sure how much partying we will be doing. It is supposed to still be so cold, so hard to be outside. Mum has gone out a little bit each day this week but not out for long.
So what did I get for Christmouse? Fevver butt mousies! I loves them.
I love to bat them around, then at times I will pick them up and drop them by mum. Then she tosses them and I chase them around. Yesterday I brought it into the sleepy spots and was pouncing on it and mum early in the morning. I thinks I woke her up good. Time to get up lady and play with me.
Plus last night she fixed herself some berries and put the whipping cream on them. Yep, I got more of the cream to lick. I like the holly-daze cuz there is so much fun goods to steal and eat.
Cellybrate responsibly this weekend. I want to see you all next year!
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Throw Back Thursday
Happy Thursday! Super cold here, it is been below zero Fahrenheit overnight and not getting into double digits in the positives. Hopefully it will warm up soonest. Here is me sitting on mum's lap the other day and what it looked like outside. BRRRRRR. Mum has only gone out a little bit, like to feed the fevvers and fill out their water bath.
Plus I found this pic on her phone. She was off to visit her furiend for Christmouse dinner and she got to see Shelby, the Irish Terrorist. Shelby is getting to less of a terror as she gets older, but while mum was there she stole a cookie off the cookie plate. Bad doggie!
So what was Derby up to back in 2007? Playing in the water!
Fung Fang Shui Friday from December 28, 2007
Test all clear liquids carefully, don't expose yourself to dangerous depths of water.
I am just tasting what is coming out of the tap. Tastes OK to me. I do have to be careful in the hot rain room. But I have learned that once all of the gurgling stops, then the water is gone and I can jump in to the tub and I won't get my paws too wet.
Plus you don't want to get into other liquids, that are not drinkable, if you know what I mean. Like the humans litterbox thingy. Blech.
WooHoo, it is the weekend already!! Nice thing about holiday weeks, the beans don't have to be at work as much. They can stay home and play with us.
Plus I found this pic on her phone. She was off to visit her furiend for Christmouse dinner and she got to see Shelby, the Irish Terrorist. Shelby is getting to less of a terror as she gets older, but while mum was there she stole a cookie off the cookie plate. Bad doggie!
So what was Derby up to back in 2007? Playing in the water!
Fung Fang Shui Friday from December 28, 2007
Test all clear liquids carefully, don't expose yourself to dangerous depths of water.
Plus you don't want to get into other liquids, that are not drinkable, if you know what I mean. Like the humans litterbox thingy. Blech.
WooHoo, it is the weekend already!! Nice thing about holiday weeks, the beans don't have to be at work as much. They can stay home and play with us.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Remembering Derby
Me nnd mum had a nice Christmouse and will share what happened another day.
Today is Derby's Bridge Day. We miss the big guy, gone three years now.
Today is Derby's Bridge Day. We miss the big guy, gone three years now.
So my dear brofur, and mum's first adult cat, we will share a few pictures. These are from 2005, Derby's first year with mum.
Monday, December 25, 2017
Mancat Christmouse
Guess we can call this a barely white Christmouse. Not enuf snow to completely cover the ground, but at least something white.
Top pic about 9 AM and below about 1 PM. Mum should probably shove the snow off the drive.
Feetsball Report on The Pack - they losted to the ViQueens as mum expected. It was so bad she kept flipping the TV to another channel to watch other stuff. One more game, then they can all go home.
Merry Christmas
Top pic about 9 AM and below about 1 PM. Mum should probably shove the snow off the drive.
Feetsball Report on The Pack - they losted to the ViQueens as mum expected. It was so bad she kept flipping the TV to another channel to watch other stuff. One more game, then they can all go home.
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)
And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, (because he was of the house and lineage of David,) to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. Luke 2: 1-20 (KJV)
Merry Christmas
God Bless You All.
Angel Derby
Virginger, Glimmer and Trouper
Angel Derby
Virginger, Glimmer and Trouper
Saturday, December 23, 2017
HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday. Also Happy Eve of Eves!
Mum is up early today, so she has already done the newsy paper, so she can help me with my post. We didn't get much snow the other day, so won't be a white Christmouse for us. But mum produced some other white stuff that I really liked! Whipped cream. Moovie too!
Some of you asked about mum's test. She took a few pics to show you some questions. She is good at doing tests. She underlines tricky words like Not and Except. Cuz if you don't read it right you would pick the wrong answers.
Mum had to turn in an answer sheet, so she could scribble her notes, change her answers etc.
I will let you know when she gets her results back.
Feetsball tonight for us, ARodg has been shut down, so we get the sub QB Brett.
Mum is up early today, so she has already done the newsy paper, so she can help me with my post. We didn't get much snow the other day, so won't be a white Christmouse for us. But mum produced some other white stuff that I really liked! Whipped cream. Moovie too!
Mum had to turn in an answer sheet, so she could scribble her notes, change her answers etc.
I will let you know when she gets her results back.
Feetsball tonight for us, ARodg has been shut down, so we get the sub QB Brett.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Throw Back Thursday
Happy Solstice Day everyone. Officially at 10:28 AM Central Standard Time or 16:28 UCT. You can figure out what time that is at your house! We have gained three minutes on the sunset but are still losing time on the sunrise. Our latest sunrise doesn't come until next week and then stays there for about a week.
Mum did her garden test, all of her books in front of her, and the yellow sheets are the test. She knuckled down on Monday and did it. Then dropped off her answers at the office on Tuesday. Now she waits to see how she did. I think she will do just fine, but she said some of the questions were tricky. If you rushed through them you could answer them wrong.
Continuing the theme we go back 10 years to Derby and his Funky Fang Shui post. Looking at that plant you wouldn't think mum had any type of green fingers! MOL!
Funky Fang Shui Friday from December 21, 2007
Inspect all growing and non-growing items in your vicinity. Eat those that give you good vibes, use rest as your Zen garden.
Yep, this one should be part of my Zen garden. Mum had this plant when I first moved in but over time I played with it too much and finally mum threw it out. Then she got a fake plant instead.
Mum said she won't have to go into work until after Christmas, so lots of mum time for the next few days. Yipee. Plus mum says she got a plant from her boss for Christmas, but she is leaving it at the office, so I won't eat it. Hmph. Probably not really worth eating!
We have had some sun and slightly warmer weather, so the snow is melting some. Not enough to make the snow all go away, but enough that mum is happy to see bare spots on the roof of the house. Plus it is supposed to get rain and then snow over the weekend.
All of our purrs must have worked, mum has not been all sneezy today. So she says lots of rest, more sleep and such for the next few days. That will help her feel lots better real soon.
The LOOOONNNNGGGGG holiday weekend is here!
Mum did her garden test, all of her books in front of her, and the yellow sheets are the test. She knuckled down on Monday and did it. Then dropped off her answers at the office on Tuesday. Now she waits to see how she did. I think she will do just fine, but she said some of the questions were tricky. If you rushed through them you could answer them wrong.
Continuing the theme we go back 10 years to Derby and his Funky Fang Shui post. Looking at that plant you wouldn't think mum had any type of green fingers! MOL!
Funky Fang Shui Friday from December 21, 2007
Inspect all growing and non-growing items in your vicinity. Eat those that give you good vibes, use rest as your Zen garden.
Mum said she won't have to go into work until after Christmas, so lots of mum time for the next few days. Yipee. Plus mum says she got a plant from her boss for Christmas, but she is leaving it at the office, so I won't eat it. Hmph. Probably not really worth eating!
We have had some sun and slightly warmer weather, so the snow is melting some. Not enough to make the snow all go away, but enough that mum is happy to see bare spots on the roof of the house. Plus it is supposed to get rain and then snow over the weekend.
All of our purrs must have worked, mum has not been all sneezy today. So she says lots of rest, more sleep and such for the next few days. That will help her feel lots better real soon.
The LOOOONNNNGGGGG holiday weekend is here!
Monday, December 18, 2017
Mancat Monday
The great open spaces where cats can be cats. - Don Marquis
Yeah, is could have used some sunshine this weekend, but didn't get any. Cloudy and gloomy all weekend. Mum was home with me, didn't go anywhere, says she wants to avoid the crazy peoples at the stores. Mum noted that we gave gained two minutes from our earliest sunset. Now the shortest time between sunrise and sunset, the solstice, will be Thursday, but we are getting time back on sunsets. A minute every 2-3 days.
Mum started another crow-shay project. She tried another pattern and it looked icky, so she is back to her tried and true patter. Says she is making this from cake, looks like yarn to me!
Yeah, I hear the flashy box, let me alone to nap. OK? You know I need my beauty sleep as much as you do.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - well, ARodg came back from his broken collar bone, but he sure didn't look that great, rusty and just not in tune. Threw to the wrong guys three times. Plus the defense looked so-so too. So they lost, which mum says OK. If some team from Hot-lanta wins Monday night they are totally out of the playoffs and mum hopes that happens. Let him rest and get really healthy and strong.
One week to Christmouse. Happy week everyone.
Oh give me a home where the cats can all roam,
Where we have red dots and mousies for play.
Where the "NO" word is not heard, on the counters we play
and the sky is sunny all day.
Mum's attempt at a song, I guess it is OK, just riffing off the open spaces thing.
Yeah, is could have used some sunshine this weekend, but didn't get any. Cloudy and gloomy all weekend. Mum was home with me, didn't go anywhere, says she wants to avoid the crazy peoples at the stores. Mum noted that we gave gained two minutes from our earliest sunset. Now the shortest time between sunrise and sunset, the solstice, will be Thursday, but we are getting time back on sunsets. A minute every 2-3 days.
Mum started another crow-shay project. She tried another pattern and it looked icky, so she is back to her tried and true patter. Says she is making this from cake, looks like yarn to me!
Yeah, I hear the flashy box, let me alone to nap. OK? You know I need my beauty sleep as much as you do.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - well, ARodg came back from his broken collar bone, but he sure didn't look that great, rusty and just not in tune. Threw to the wrong guys three times. Plus the defense looked so-so too. So they lost, which mum says OK. If some team from Hot-lanta wins Monday night they are totally out of the playoffs and mum hopes that happens. Let him rest and get really healthy and strong.
One week to Christmouse. Happy week everyone.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
It is done! Mum finished the crow-shay yesterday!!!! So she put it on the floor to take a look at it, at this time she still had to trim off the little strings.
I immediately came over to check it out and see the work mum did. Looks good, this is only for mum, so any wonky parts she can deal with.
I later checked it out better, it moves well and I can pounce on it and get it to move. Mum also got the little strings ends cut, so it is all ready to be used.
Plus mum went to shop for foods yesterday and she brought home this beauty. HAM!!!! Actually Honey Ham.
Spiral sliced and all. So mum will open this up and make lots of little packages of ham, then freeze them all. Then just pull what we need to eat in a short time out.
We have snow, but it might get warm, so it may be melting away. Mum says the weather guessers are saying we might get a big storm the end of the week. So that would give us a white Christmouse.
Anyway, have a happy weekend. Stay warm, get your shopping done!
I immediately came over to check it out and see the work mum did. Looks good, this is only for mum, so any wonky parts she can deal with.
I later checked it out better, it moves well and I can pounce on it and get it to move. Mum also got the little strings ends cut, so it is all ready to be used.
Plus mum went to shop for foods yesterday and she brought home this beauty. HAM!!!! Actually Honey Ham.
Spiral sliced and all. So mum will open this up and make lots of little packages of ham, then freeze them all. Then just pull what we need to eat in a short time out.
We have snow, but it might get warm, so it may be melting away. Mum says the weather guessers are saying we might get a big storm the end of the week. So that would give us a white Christmouse.
Anyway, have a happy weekend. Stay warm, get your shopping done!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Throw Back Thursday
We have been having little bits of snow every couple of days. Not much, but the ground is white. Mum got to and from her final class on Monday in one piece. The snow missed us and the roads were fine. Now she just has to take the test, open book, and send it in.
Emma & Buster wanted to know what was going on in the first pic on Monday's post. That is Derby, doing a stretch and dangle of his hind paw. How do I know it is Derby, white paws, mine are orich!
Mum is making grate progress on the crow-shay blankie. She insists it will be done by Christmouse.
Fang Shui Friday
from December 14, 2007
Tails can tell tales. Careful on what you say without words.
I was probably telling mum to leave me alone. Can't she see "I want to be alone." I love attention, but I want it, when I want it. Sometimes when she wants to pay attention to me, I would rather be napping or doing something else. Here I am helping mum get my Secret Paw box ready. I had to stand on it to get it shut with all of the goodies we put in. Mum promised that this will go to the station today to my furiend! 
I sure hope my Secret Paw enjoy the goodies. I can't wait to get mine! Mum has been working on sending out the Christmas cards. She hopes to get them done my Monday. She has her prezzie shopping done for Grampie and herself. Grampie does not shop, so mum has to buy her own prezzies. At least that way you get exactly what you want!
Mum got a card from her friends and I have met them. Mum went to the Christmas market last Thursday with Miss Jane. At least I get greetings and a virtual belly rub. Oh yeah, mum did rub my belly extra, just for Miss Jane.
Happy weekend everyone.
Emma & Buster wanted to know what was going on in the first pic on Monday's post. That is Derby, doing a stretch and dangle of his hind paw. How do I know it is Derby, white paws, mine are orich!
Mum is making grate progress on the crow-shay blankie. She insists it will be done by Christmouse.
Fang Shui Friday
from December 14, 2007
Tails can tell tales. Careful on what you say without words.
Happy weekend everyone.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Mancat Monday
Cats, no less liquid than their shadows, offer no angles to the wind. They slip, diminished, neat, through loopholes less than themselves. - AJS Tessimond
Winter is here, we are getting more snow today. Mum is not happy as today is her last garden class and she has to get there to get the test. She says she may leave the class early so she can drive home in daylight. Plus take the long, slower route and not the crazy freeway.
Mum is a good driver so the now isn't a problem for her, she is worried about the others. Plus being retired she doesn't have to go out if she doesn't have to, she can just sit and watch it snow. Then we sit and watch the fevvers at the feeders.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - OMC, they did it again. They won in OT for the second week in a row. Mum was saying HBO words at the moving picture box. Said the way they were playing early they deserved to lose to the one team that hasn't won a game all year. But somehow they managed to win with late game heroics!
Also, mum only got to see the highlights on the box, but the game that was played in the snow with lots of snow on the ground.
Have a good week and amember, it is two weeks to Christmouse!
Winter is here, we are getting more snow today. Mum is not happy as today is her last garden class and she has to get there to get the test. She says she may leave the class early so she can drive home in daylight. Plus take the long, slower route and not the crazy freeway.
Mum is a good driver so the now isn't a problem for her, she is worried about the others. Plus being retired she doesn't have to go out if she doesn't have to, she can just sit and watch it snow. Then we sit and watch the fevvers at the feeders.
Feetsball Report
The Pack - OMC, they did it again. They won in OT for the second week in a row. Mum was saying HBO words at the moving picture box. Said the way they were playing early they deserved to lose to the one team that hasn't won a game all year. But somehow they managed to win with late game heroics!
Also, mum only got to see the highlights on the box, but the game that was played in the snow with lots of snow on the ground.
Have a good week and amember, it is two weeks to Christmouse!
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Happy Caturday! We woke up to this on the ground today. Snow! Not much, mum says about a half inch. Some of our buds in the south have had more! Be safe guys.
If you look close you can see fevver tracks in the snow. It was a little junco hopping around.
See all of the snacks, I mean fevvers, just hanging out in the tree? They had been eating at the feeders, so just resting for a bit.
Me? Well I will do what I normally do, that is nap and hang out with mum. Mum has a lunch date so will have to go out. Plus she has to clear the snow off the drive and the patio as well. '
All settled in, so now I can be all warms and nap. You all have a wonderful weekend and be safe!
If you look close you can see fevver tracks in the snow. It was a little junco hopping around.
See all of the snacks, I mean fevvers, just hanging out in the tree? They had been eating at the feeders, so just resting for a bit.
Me? Well I will do what I normally do, that is nap and hang out with mum. Mum has a lunch date so will have to go out. Plus she has to clear the snow off the drive and the patio as well. '
All settled in, so now I can be all warms and nap. You all have a wonderful weekend and be safe!
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