Monday, June 12, 2017

ManCat Monday

An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.  - Martin Buber
 So what am I saying here? "Mum, get that flashy box out of my face!"
 So here are my paws and tail as well, plus a shot of mine backside with tail covering my spot 13.
 Plus mum got a good shot of a dangle, paw and tail.
The hots arrived, mum has the air chiller running, fans running so we are all good. Well mum did sit outside on Caturday evening, said it was nice. Wasn't humid, a good breeze. Sunday night, hot, humid and not much of a breeze. Mum went out and grilled chick-hen, I got some, said it was hot grilling in the hots. Said no more grilling until it cools off a bit.

Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. Great photography there Mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. It's getting warmer here too this week - my human is happy because she was getting a little sick of SoCal's "June gloom."

  3. I love the mouth/lip area in the top pic.

  4. Great photos ! "spot 13", MOL, we didn't know this one ! Purrs

  5. dood....tell mum ta seer de foodz on de side walk.....we can heer....for sure

    be jezuz it went frum way nice out side ta hotter N { soundz like well } ♥♥☺☺

  6. Cute dangle photo.
    We get Hot here, but not humid. Sometimes Dad makes chicken on the grill when it's hot so Mom doesn't have to make more heat in the kitchen.

  7. Love all the ginger shots! Your mom did good!

  8. We had 7% humidity today--sorry! But you know the deal anyway--all this extra warmth is just something someone on the other side of the world made up. ;-)

  9. Mom Paula loves to look into a kitty's eyes.

    We're slowly reconnecting to all of our friends since Mom Paula retired. We hope to see more of you now.

    Truffle, Brulee, and Mom Paula

  10. We try ta stay in good light when TBT has the camera with him. That way the flashie doesnt come on.

  11. We got the hots too. So we're staying cool inside.

  12. you have such beautiful coloring. We live in the same state as The Island Cats so needless to say, we have the "hots" too and my Mom HATES it!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.