Thursday, July 6, 2017

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.

We hope you had a nice 4th of July hollyday. Ours was nice, pleasant temperatures, not too humid and the noisy snap, crackles and pops didn't last much past 10 PM. That is good!

Mum would sit outside with us in the evening, reading her book. Just enjoying the outside, talking with the naybors and catching up. She stayed out until it got dark or the skeeters started to bite. 

We have flowers again. The first of the day lilies have started to bloom, that makes mum smile. Says these plants are some of the best she has gotten. Look nice and purrty flowers. Lots more of these blooms to come.
Plus these look like they will bloom sometime in the next few days as well. Mum forgets but she has 4-5 different types of day lilies planted. They bloom at different times and mum is thinking of going to the sale in August if she can.
Otherwise, things are good. Mum got the grass all mowed so it looks nice. Mum is being lazy and leaving the thistle weeds in place. Says she is seeing the goldyfinches eating from them. So she wants to leave them, at least for now.

That is all for this week. Love, Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Lovely lillies! We're glad you all had a fairly peaceful Fourth.

  2. hay ewe galz...we hope de nayborhood harez due knot eat
    all yur flowerz like they haz heer; they due knot even bloom
    N they iz out ther chewin a way... we getted sum add vize bout
    lite lee puttin wee babeez powder on em; we will see if it helpz

    see ya next week ! ☺☺♥♥

  3. Ducky, I always love the way your mom looks after everything around your house. Now I guess it's the time you and your mom get Beautiful prize ! ....Wonderful flowers, Fantastic smell =^x^=
    Sure you have a great day !

  4. Those are gorgeous flowers ! Purrs


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