Saturday, April 14, 2018


HiYa Ducky here. It is Caturday and mum and I are not going anywhere today. It is all icky out, cold, wet, rainy. Maybe we will also get freezing rain, sleet, snow before the weekend is out.

Mum was going to take some old puter stuff to the electronic recycling drop off today. Nope she says, too likely to run into slippery driving. It can wait for another month when it is better.

We did have good days on Wednesday and Thursday. Mum used the griller machine again and did some chick-hen. It was yummy. Mum ate one and the other is in the big cold box.
 So what will we do today. Nap, read and just hang out. Hope your weekend is better, or at least has nicer weather than we will.


  1. We're having a quiet Caturday here too.

  2. It's sunny here today and the horrible winds have subsided, but it is quite chilly. Mom even turned on the heat this morning! We're in for the duration.

  3. It is windy here, and there hasn't been enough sun to warm up our sunny room. So we're hanging around inside (the mom bean too). Enjoy your nap Ducky!

    Pee Ess: that chick-hen looks sooo yummy!

  4. Enjoy your quiet, dry and warm Caturday ! Purrs

  5. Your weather mightn't be nice, Ducky, but that just gives you a terrific reason to snuggle up on your hammick next to the heat duct - enjoy!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Nope, Ducky. Our weather is pretty much the same as yours. Yucky.


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