Monday, April 2, 2018

ManCat Monday

Way down deep, we're all motivated by the same urges. Cats have the courage to live by them. - Jim Davis

Urges, or urjes as Skeezix used to spell it. Mum deserted me on Sunday afternoon. She went off with Miss Lynn to be miserable. No, mum says she was seeing Les Miserables. Whatever. Mum said she liked it, the singers were good. 
 Mum did some cooking this weekend, she did a Yorkshire pudding. Said this is the best one she ever made. It stayed all nice and puffy even after she took it out of the oven. She hadn't made one in a while so she was happy it worked. She changed one thing, she ran the beater on the eggs lots and she thinks that what made it so puffy.
 Me, well I napped lots waiting for mum to get home. Then she watched JC Superstar. So it was a musical kind of weekend for mum.
Oh,  yeah, they are talking snow again this week. Where, oh where is spring?

Happy week.


  1. Oh, that is a bummer about more snow! My human has never made a Yorkshire pudding, but she has made popovers, which apparently use the same batter.

  2. Hang in there Ducky - spring MUST be coming soon.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Oh no, not more snow! We were supposed to get a lot yesterday but it just missed us. We had very heavy rain instead.

  4. That Yorkshire pudding looks yummy! Did you get a bite, Ducky?

  5. Snow predicted down here too. As our mum says "I'll believe it when I see it!"

  6. Oh no, we're sorry you got snow again ! Purrs

  7. dood....we dunno wear it iz either....N whatz up ...NOE HAM for ewe thiz week end ??

    faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~~~~~~~~~~


  8. Ducky, we’re wondering where Spring is too.

  9. We hope ya got some good laptime during JC! We hear that often here ourselfs...


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