Saturday, February 1, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday and Happy February. We made through January which always seems to last furrevvver! Cloudy, snowy, and chilly! We are hoping for some sun, too gloomy around here.

Laila and Angel Minchie asked how many blankies mum has made since our throw back episode on Thursday. So I had mum sit down to try to figure it out.

Now at that time she was working on a blankie for her first every grand niece and that was 10 years ago. So here we go.

3 - for the grand nieces and nephew for when they were borned. All different and unique. Mum even found a pic with me on the nearly finished blankie.

3 - for baby shower prezzies for people at work
2 - for Cat Blogoshpere peoples
1- of her own that she uses on the reading and fevver watching chair
3 - for the food pantry dropped off last year
1 - for her money man, he turns 50 this month and mum will give him it later this month
7 - dropped off for the food pantry a few weeks ago
1 - finished last week
1 - that she is working on now

I don't have enuf paws for this, so mum says that is 22, so two a year or so. Although while she was waiting for her ankle to heal she did 6 of them. So me thinks she might have missed a few in the early years.

Plus all of those hats she did too. The 215 purple baby hats and then another  60 or so adult hats.
 It makes me tired just thinking of all of this. Plus she has more yarns to make more. She says it keeps her out of trouble. Sorry mum, you do get in trouble! If you didn't you wouldn't have broked your ankle!
Plus the Stouper Bowl game is tomorrow. Mum thinks she would like KC to win.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  1. That's sure a lot of blankies and hats Ducky, good for Mom and you, the best helper!

  2. WOW! Totally awesome! We are rooting for my mum's hometown, Kansas City Chiefs!

  3. Your mum has been very busy making blankies and hats.

  4. Happy Caturday, Ducky!! That sure is an awesome amount that your mum did. We want the Chiefs to win also. It should be a great game. Thanks for the share. Have a fun rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  5. Wow, your mum sure has been busy with the blanket making, Ducky.

  6. Fabulous effort by your mum, and I'm sure you put in a lot of time snoopervising so fabulous effort by you too Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Hey, that first picture looks just like some of mine on the bed. That's quite a lot of blankies your mum has made. Such talent!


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