Thursday, February 6, 2020

Throw Back Thursday

Ducky here. Our look back is to a few days afor the Stouper Bowl that year. Derby headed off to a party at Gracie's.

It has been nice, bits of sun, not too cold. Mum goes off to her physical therapy appointments and also to get her walking in. She likes being able to walk inside and not just outside when it is winter. I guess she is glad she can do that.

Yipee, Friday Friday, February 5, 2010

Yep we have made it to the weekend. Stouper Bowl weekend. I will be dropping by Gracie's party for a bit, but mum says she will be just watching the game. No multi-tasking and being on the puter at the same time. She wants to really watch the game cuz she thinks it will be a good game.
The mum day yesterday was nice. Firsted, mum actually slept in! She didn't get out of the sleepy spot until after 8 AM. Then she sat around in her jammies reading the paper and doing a few things on the puter, had breakfast and THEN actually got dressed.

Then she was gone for a little bit, said she went looking for a thingy that will make our water softer. What? Our water is soft, unless you freeze it, then it is hard. Mum says that isn't what hard water is, hard water has more minerals in it. Sure OK, whatever mum.

Also she went and found a new machine to wash our dishes, but it has to get here and then be installed.

Alert for next weekend February 12 -15

To all of you who have birdies outside your windows, and who doesn't. Next weekend is the Great Backyard Bird Count.
All they ask for is at least 15 minutes of watching and counting the fevvers of wherever you are. Home, work, school. They use this to see where birdies are and how their habitats and habits are changing. The more data the better the study.

Mum and I did this for the first time in 2007, and then we also got hooked up with Project Feeder Watch, which we now do every weekend, all winter long. But for Feeder Watch we just report on what is in our yard, not what mum sees all over the place. William got me started on this back in 2007, thanks William, mum and I enjoy this.

I hope that more kitties and their beans will join in.

Mum also worked on the blankie, me I attacked the yarn!
Happy Weekend.


  1. The big guy was a bit naughty, attacking your mum's yarn like that. YOU don't do that, do you Ducky?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. When I worked the afternoon shift, The Hubby and I would drive up to the nearby mall and walk for a solid hour almost every day. In the warm weather, we'd traverse the neighborhood, and end up at the local coffee shop. Nowadays, The Hubby won't walk with me, so I hike around solo...but I visit all of my cat friends.

  3. dood....thiz bee a joke ...rite..... BURD COUNT ?????? !!!!!

  4. Well, we always did enjoy the bird count thing MOL!

  5. Among all the other things, THERE IS NO IGNORING THE YARN!


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