Thursday, June 11, 2020

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday.

Well, we have had an interesting week. We had what was left of a tropical storm or depression move through on Wednesday. Super windy, some rain here but not a huge amount. The wind brought down all sorts of small bits of leaves from the locust tree.

Mum didn't get every leaf and twig picked up but here is the pile that she started for what she picked up.

The pee-o-knees have started to bloom. The storm knocked down the naybors pee-o-knees and mum picked it up from the ground and braced it in between other stems. The pink ones are the naybors.

These white ones are from our pee-o-knee plant

The wind brought down most of the maple seeds too. That means mum can call her peoples to come clean out the gutters and roof for the spring.

Thanks for stopping by. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.

Stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. Those pink ones are simply gorgeous!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Very pretty flowers Ducky! I'm glad the winds were not worse.

  3. Sometimes, I'd like to put a hard-hat on The PO'M outside...the stuff falling from the trees can be intense sometimes.

  4. hay ewe galz... we had sum crazed heer yesterday pee oh knee knot chewed up bye petalz bee all over de grazz now....but....we did see sum bloomz on de day lilliez final lee :) ☺☺♥♥

  5. Those are lovely peonies!

    We have had strange weather too. It's been cold, rainy and windy, and a dead branch fell from high up on a tree in our garden. We're thankful there wasn't someone or something under it when it fell.

    Tama and Genji

  6. We are having gales and heavy rain here too, and it has turned cold again. The peonies are lovely.

  7. Those are pretty flowers. We had a bad storm yesterday too. We didn’t have any damage but other people did.


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