Monday, August 29, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

A cat is an attitude with fur.

You bet I have an attitude. Some days it is a good attitude, other days a bad attitude. 

 Me invading mum's lap while she watches the basey ball game Caturday night. They done good that night, lots of hits and homers. They need to win lots to get into the playoffs. 

Plus they did good on Sunday too. Mum watched the CrashCar race until it got rainy, then the Sunday basey ball game. She went to watch the end of the race, and our team scored all sorts of runs. 

Yeah, mum said CrashCar earned their name yesterday. Sheesh!

I have switched things out the past few days. After not sleeping with mum for the longest time this summer I am back to snuggle when she goes to the sleepy spot. Then I leave for a while, but come early wake up time I come back and stretch out over her head on the pillow. She says I make her head hot!

We also got thunderboomer storms on Sunday. Me and mum were just sitting quietly together and the BOOM! Mum jumped and so did I. We got rain, but nothing severe. Didn't lose power to the house. 

So that is the report for this week. 

Have a good week everyone!


  1. I agree, all cats have attitude. It is nice to sit on your mum's lap and watch TV with her.

  2. It sounds like your Mom had a very sporty weekend, Ducky!

    That's the things about us cats. We like to vary our pleasures!

    The Chans

  3. Eeks, those big boomers without warning will give anyone heart palpitations!

  4. Sounds like a pretty good week to me, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia


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