Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Talk Like a Pirate Day

 Ahoy Matey!

 Time to take out the Good Ship Sassy Cat for its annual sail. All good pirate mates are welcome to join. 


Captain Derby above and the first mate Dora below!

Also must wish Auntie Kellie a happy purrthday today. She come and cares for me when mum is off doing racy car stuff. 

Mum surprized me this morning. I was snoozing so nice in my heated cat cup when she picked me up and put me in the PTU! NO! Oh yes. 

Off we went to see the vet man, well, in this case the vet lady. Dr Tom retired so we now have Dr Carolynn. She is nice and she does stuff to check on me that Dr Tom didn't, like stretching my back legs out good to check for arthur-itis. I'm good. 

Being woman handled, but with care. The good news was I gain three more ounces in the last 6 months. I'm up to 7 pounds 9 ounces. She and mum decided I didn't need any blood work today, plus no shots. 

It is a rainy day but mum kept me dry. When she took me out of the car she had a gizzy quilt over me. Also too many woofies with bad manners. Barking, jumping and all. Mum went to pay the bill but left me in the exam room while she did it, then could whisk me outside quickly. Although we rain into a big brute on his way in. 

Enough for today. I am going to go and enjoy my sailing.



  1. Ye be a fine pirate. Happy Pirate's Day!

  2. ahoy mateez…we pill aged sum free wi fi two day,two stop N say Hi,
    but now HI tide bee rollin in ….sew itz time we said good bye…da tabbies
    and copee and paste 🍺🐟‼️awesum pie ratz day geer 😺😺 N good nooze
    on yur vet ree port dood 💙🐟

  3. So glad you had a good verdict at the vet Ducky. We had met Derby before but not Dora. What a handsome family.

  4. Glad your vet visit went well, Ducky. I hope you gave the vet an Arrrrgh!

  5. Glad you had a good vet visit. Nice pirate shots.


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