Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Hello, I've spent some time the past few weeks going through my TBR. I did it about a month ago, then deleted a bunch of series books to get down to the most recent four books. Then the new copy of Book Page came out, plus lists from the New York Times. My TBR is back close to 200 books, plus I have two newer series to check out. Plus I check to see if my library system actually has the books, usually they do. If not I just note it as by the time I get around to that part of my list they may have it. 

Trivia night at the library. Last time the patrons were smarter than the librarians. Hope we can keep it going!

It cooled off so I have been doing some yard work. I have something that keeps growing along with my lilac in the backyard. I spent an hour cutting out what I could. Didn't quite get it all so have to work on it again another day. My pile of brush below. I didn't work on making this neater, just get it cut and dragged it to the pile. I will cut it down more as I have to fit it in the back of the car to get it to the village compost site.

The Murder Rule is a plot twisting thriller. Hannah gets herself assigned to an Innocence Project case, but she has an ulterior motive for doing so. The tagline from the book cover "No one is innocent in this story".

Carrie Soto is Back is the story of a tennis great who had the record numbers of grand slam wins and then retires. When a newer player matches her total she decides to make a comeback after six years to being away from the game.

My Travels with Mrs. Kennedy this book has lots of pictures and recollections by Clint Hill who was the main Secret Service agent who was assigned to Jackie. He was cleaning out his old house and discovered pictures, diaries and other items that came from his time with Mrs. Kennedy. 

Happy Reading.


  1. Have read a few Dervla McTiernan books, but not this one, so I'm adding it to my TBR pile.
    Have so many fav authors coming out with books, that I'm spending a lot of time re-reading the series, so I'm all caught up when the new book drops.
    I don't do it for every series, but for some of the really good ones, and there are a LOT of great authors out many books, so little time.
    Should I ever retire, reading will be my full-time job.

  2. I remember Clint Hill scrambling up over the trunk of the Lincoln that awful day in Dallas to get into the car itself.


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