Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday on Tuesday

Yes, something went wrong on my post yesterday. Mum was not home to take care of the technical part. 

She abandoned me! She was working in the yard on Friday afternoon after being at furiends for Turkey Day. Then she threw a couple of things into  her carry bag and jumped in someone's car. 

She is back home but I found she wasn't far from home. She was in the human stabby place for four days. Seems her heart wanted to beat way too fast and wouldn't slow down!

So yesterday (Monday) they zapped her heart to make it work all good again and they let her come home to me. So I can work my purr therapy!

I was well cared for, Aunty Kellie was over to make sure I got my foods and loves every day. Plus she brought mum back home to me. 

Gotta to purr on mum. Later!


  1. Sending purrs to your meowmy, Ducky!

  2. Oh Boy! We're sorry to hear that your Mom had to go "there" for a few days and are very glad she is home where you wil help her get better soonest!

    The Chans

  3. We wondered what happened with yesterday's post, and are glad you are back...and that your Mum got herself taken care of and is home again and doing well. Purrs to Aunt Kellie too .

  4. Oh mine goodness! The stabby place! Prayers that all is well and stays well and her heart keeps beating the right way.

  5. I’m purring that your mum is feeling better now, Ducky.

  6. I wondered what happened to yesterday's post. That was scary, but I am glad they got your mum's heart working properly again. I wish her a good recovery.

  7. Purr therapy is an important healing process Ducky, so keep up the good work. And next time you have to go to the stabby place, remember that your mum had to go for FOUR days - yikes!

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Oh my! I'm sure grateful mum is home with you now! Continued prayers she stays there!


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