Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Happy Turkey Day Eve!

The weather is finally turning cooler and cloudy. I just need to do one final mowing of the grass before the outside fall chores are done. Then we wait for snow to shovel. 

If you are in the US, have a pleasant Thanksgiving. Count your blessings, not calories, carbs, sugar, fat etc. Have nice civil conversations, not fights. I will be spending the day and overnight with long time friends. Ducky gets to hang out by himself.

The Librarian Spy a story set in World War II. Ava is working at the Library of Congress when she is recruited to go to Lisbon, Portugal to help cull news from unofficial newspapers published by the French Resistance. Helene / Elaine is part of the Resistance who is putting out the news. Risking their lives to keep the real news out their and communicating in code about sensitive matters.

The Manhattan Girls is a historical novel with Dorothy Parker, Peggy Leech, Winifred Lenihan and Jane Grant. Set in the 1920s they are writers and an actress and has their careers, romances flourish and fade they remain friends. Not being aware of who these women were made this a harder book to get into, but entertaining nonetheless.

The Secrets She Keeps characters Agatha and Meghan are both pregnant and Agatha is wishing she had Meghan's life. Both have secrets and their paths cross in dramatic fashion. The secrets continue even after the book ends.

Killers of a Certain  - Age four women are recruited in their 20s to be part of a clandestine assassination crew. Now that they hit 60 they are being retired, but it just might be a matter of them being taken out themselves. Will they just take this sitting down? No and what they do keep themselves safe is a wonderful read.

The Murder Book is the latest of the Alex Delaware series. I hadn't read any of the previous books. Alex is a detective / psychologist with the LA PD. I normally like thrillers but I just couldn't get into this one, the writing style wasn't such that I felt the story really moved along. Seemed ponderous to me. Didn't finish. 

For all those in the United States have a Happy Thanksgiving and weekend. Everyone else have a good weekend too.

Happy Reading


  1. On November 1 you wrote about The London Seance Society by Sarah Penner. I thought it sounded interesting, so I looked it up in my local library. They had the book as well as this author's first book. I wasn't sure if they were a series so I ordered both of them, and have now read both of them. They were both very good, although I did prefer The London Seance Society. Thank you for drawing my attention to it.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. dood! happee noe burd, eat pie N spudz day two ewe N mum
    we hope yur thanx bee givin iz total lee grate! 🥧🐟💙😺‼️

  3. An interesting crop. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.

    The Chans

  4. Killers of a Certain Age was fun!

  5. And Happy Thanksgiving; I will listen to an audiobook as I drive.


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