Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 I survived the time change. I usually do OK, was nice to wake up early on Sunday, get the laundry done early and then spend some time at the Y before coming home to watch the Packer game.

My updated yarn stash after getting my two orders of yarn. The shelves are full and I had a one color I couldn't fit it. That one will be my next blanket. 

Here is the latest blanket, stripey yarn can be a pain to work with to make sure the color rotation stays like it should. I had one skein that had a break and it went from the lime yellow to the maroon. Had to switch things out but I have enough yarn to do that and still make a decent size blanket. 

On to the books!

Reading Up a Storm is an installment of the Lighthouse Mysteries. Lucy and Butch find a dead body on the beach. Who done it. The illegitimate child, the son or the younger girl friend or ???. Plus sparks start to fly between Lucy and her beau.

Slow Horses and the rest of the series tells the tales of MI5 agents who have been demoted from field work because of screw ups. This was made into a series that has aired on Apple TV for two seasons. I couldn't get into the book, so didn't read and won't read the rest of the books.

The Turn of the Key another Ruth Ware thriller. I liked the approach to this book, she writes it as the main character sending a letter to an attorney hoping they will take her case. Our main characters has taken the job of a nanny for a Scottish couple with four kids. She has taken the job under false pretenses and is then accused of murder.

Battle for the American Mind the authors take on the modern education system in saying it indoctrinates pupils into the left or progressive way of thinking. Since I don't have kids I can't respond to this. I know I was taught, reading, writing, math, history, social studies and religion. I went to a parochial school for grades 1-8, followed by public high school. Most importantly I was taught to think for myself. Although in terms of education, I was probably brought up in the dark ages compared to now.


  1. Ooooooh, those colorful stripes are awesome! Dad says this post sums up him and mom completely.

  2. I had Slow Horses - from the library - along with too many other books so I had to return a few and this was one. I figured I would get it back at some other time. But maybe not. Thanks for the review.

  3. Those shelves look much much happier, fully stocked with yarn.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Have enjoyed everything written by Ruth Ware.
    Haven't tried Nick Herron yet; on my tbr list.
    Enjoyed my time on the plane recently; time to listen to my audiobooks!


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