Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Winter has decided to be a little calmer this past week. The bitter cold is gone, no massive snowfalls either. Some melting, a small bit of sun and one day of freezing drizzle with a bit of snow, which then melted. Thankfull I didn't have to go anywhere that day. 

Although the melting and freezing stuff is making the back yard a bit treacherous. I have to be super careful and am using my shovel as a walking stick to help me keep my balance. The good thing is that with the warmer weather the birds don't eat quite as much. Can fill the feeders every other day instead of daily. 

But it is great stay inside and read weather.

Read and Buried our Lighthouse Librarians find a tin box buried at the lighthouse during the repairs. A diary, map and notes in code. Map to treasures or something else. Someone thinks its important and murders for it.

Easter Bonnet Murder things get rather competitive at the local nursing home and the bonnet being made. Does that include murder?

My Life in Pictures Patti Boyd is mostly pictures of her life, from her modeling career, with spouses George Harrison and Eric Clapton. Plus pictures taken by Patti herself.

Happy Reading.


  1. It's true, the images in my head while reading always beat out anything that Hollywood can do!

  2. dood…mum haz sum grate reedz thiz week! hope de snowz bee a meltin
    ther like they iz heer…time ta brake out de shortz…gonna bee 40 ‼️πŸ™€πŸ˜ΊπŸ₯ΆπŸ’™

  3. I'm saying that the other drawing is true - I do worry about running out of books that I would enjoy to read.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Marley: I and Lori went out in the snow here briefly. We forgot how cold it was, so we came back quick. It is all melted now and we are glad.


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