Monday, September 2, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

When you are looking, a cat acts like a princess, but the minute they think you are not looking, a cat acts like a fool. - KC Buffington 

Fool? Or foolish? Me never!


This is an oldie pic. The old table and Derby! Derbs loved to chill out on the table in the sun. 

We expect a quiet day today for Labor Day. Mum might labor using the grass eater. Me, just the usual. Eat, sleep, poop! MOL!

We are trying to catch the ground hog. Mr Pest Man Tom came last week with this trap. It has been trying to dig under the patio, so if it tries to go back in it will catch him. Mum did see him on Caturday near this area, but didn't go inside. Only one way in and hopefully no way to get out once in the trap.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. That is a lovely photo of you and Derby together.

  2. Great photos of you and Derby.

  3. Sorry to hear about the ground hog. They can make BIG messes.
    Wonderful pictures.

  4. No, cats are not fools, just busy doing what they want.

    Good luck trapping the groundhog!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.