Monday, September 9, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Cats are designated friends. - Norman Corwin 


Thank you for being my furiends. We have such a grate group of kits and humans. Mum and I have been part of it for years. 

The weather has been super nice. Mum has had the windows open lots, although over the past couple of mornings it was kinda cool out. Not enuf for the heaty monster to come on, but mum did have a light jacket on inside. I was firmly snuggled in my heaty bed.

Feetsball Report 

Yep it is that time of year again. Mum watched bits of various games since last Thursday. The only entire game was The Pack. 

The Pack, what can I say, they need to only play in Mericky. Our QB JLove messed up his knee at the end of the game. Several years ago The Pack played in London, ARodg broked a finger on the last play of the gam. They didn't win either game. 

ARodg plays Monday night. Mum is hoping he gets dumped on his backside a few times. 

That is all until next week. Have a grate week.


  1. Yay! Time for theFeetsball Report! Sorry about the Pack .... sigh ...

  2. Yes, Ducky, we've had a couple of days that were cool, and The Hubby would do anything BUT turn on the heat! Someone even pulled on a winter coat for a little while.

  3. Thanks to blogging I have lots of feline and human friends.

  4. lookin my tee handsum ther buddy…de feetz ball ree port heer waz knot sew good, a win last week, knot sew on caturday for ND πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€ itz earl lee tho sew we hafta see…happee week a head dood πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸŸπŸ˜Ί


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