Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

September! All the kids are back in school, time to watch for kids walking to school (yes, they still do that in my community), school bus runs. The weather turned really nice and cool. Great for open windows for me and Ducky. 

Like I said last week, you can tell me what you are reading in your comments. Doesn't mean I will read it, but I will check it out. Like what I say am reading, you may want to read it, maybe not. Just suggestions! I have friends who have similar taste in books, but some authors I have started reading their books, others nope. 

Trout Town, that blanket was not made for Ducky! The blankets I make get donated to humans through the local food pantry.  

I made a library run yesterday and picked up ten books, was only expecting eight. Two longer term holds came in unexpectedly. Lots to read and the first one started is the one I can't renew as it has more holds on it.

My TBR is down to 115 books and the oldest books were added in October 2023. I scrubbed the list and took some non-fiction books that are sort of out of date in terms of current history. Also a few less political type stuff too, enough of that as well. My last check out slip I have checked out just over $3000 in books this year. 

The Vanishing Museum of the Rue Mistral, so how does the entire contents of a museum just disappear? Paintings, ceramics, and a complete service of Sevres porcelain. Everything gone but the desk and a fern. Who took it and where did they stash the goods?

Everyone Here is Lying a nine year old girl with ADHD is home early, on her own when her father comes home. He gets angry, hits her and leaves. When the rest of the family comes home she is gone. Did she run away, was she abducted or did her father take her? Page turner!

The Last Flight - another page turner. Claire and Eva are both looking to leave bad relationships. Claire is married to a high powered man who is looking to run for political office. In private he is cruel and abusive and Claire is making plans to get away. Her first plan gets scrubbed and while waiting for a flight at JFK she switches tickets, ID's etc. with Eva. The catch, the flight that Claire was supposed to be on crashes in the ocean. Claire is finding out that Eva was running from. Did they both manage to survive?

According to my local library system it is Library Card month. Get one and use it!

 Happy Reading


  1. The title of 'Everyone Here is Lying' reminded me of a terrific series by Benjamin Stevenson: Ernest Cunningham Series.
    Book 1: Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone
    Book 2: Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect
    Book 3: Everyone This Christmas Has a Secret (Expected publication October 22, 2024)
    Witty, snarky, mysterious...lovely!
    Take place in Australia, which is even more fun.

  2. dood…mum kneadz ta get crackin N make EWE a pawsum blankit like that…
    ore may bee three, caze one kneadz a washin ‼️‼️ rite now de gurl is reedin
    de throne of glass seereez….πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ˜ΊπŸ˜Ί and werkin on de colorin book thatz
    out with it ( this series is the first she wrote, I always tend do do stuff backwards 😺😺😺). heerz two a grate week and lotz oh fishez on de grill 🐟🐟🐟🐟

  3. Oh yes - please Mother Nature: make reading burn more calories. MANY more calories!

    Eastside Cats' comments: I have read the first two Benjamin Stevenson books. They are fun and amusing - which feels a little odd since there are people getting murdered. I don't know whether the Australian-ness of them will make them less appealing or less relatable for North American readers.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Last Saturday was dad's day to load up at our local branch, and he came home with 10 books. He just finished "Night Watching". He said it was good, but it seemed a bit choppy as the paragraphs were interspersed with italicized sentences that made it a little hard for his brain to focus. He also just realized that of the ten he brought home, three titles began with "Night".


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