Monday, September 16, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

The really great thing about cats is their endless variety. One can pick a cat to fit almost any kind of decor, color, scheme, income, personality, mood. But under the fur, whatever color it may be, there still lies, essentially unchanged, one of the world's free souls. - Eric Gurney 

It is Monday again. We had another really good week weather wise. No rains, warmish, lots of open windows. Enjoying it, as is mum. 

We never did catch our ground hog with the trap our pest man put out. Mum has even been watching and hasn't see it. Lots of chip-the-monk, sqwerls, bunnehs, but no ground hog. The pest man took the trap away yesterday. 

Mum was not happy with me. I was burrowing my way into her lap and I got a claw snagged on the blankie. Mum had to pull the stuff out and redo it as she likes her stuff to be as purrfect as possible. It wasn't a super amount she had to redo. After she fixed it, she did clippy claws on me!

 Mum took a pic of me in the mirror. I was snoozing on the back of the other chair. It is a bit fuzzy and mum cropped it down so you can mainly see just me.

Feetsball Report

The Pack pulled out a victory, even with QB2. Good that they didn't lose the game as they would have been the only team in the NFC Central without a win. They beat the ponies from Indy. 

You can see me sitting on mum and the crow-shay during the game.

Mum watched lots of sports yesterday. The Pack feetball game, the Brew Crew baseball game, CrashCar and some other feetsball games too, but not the entire games. 

You all have a good week, hope you are getting lots of open windows like I am.



  1. It's easy enough to get claws tangled in those blankies! We're glas it was only a small bit that had to be redone, Ducky!

    The Chans

  2. Ouch! Better to have claws trimmed so it doesn't happen.

  3. Glad you got your claw untangled. Tangles happen!

  4. So what you are saying Ducky, is that it was your mum's fault you snagged the blankie for not doing clippy claws sooner!

  5. dood…hope yur week a headz pawsum awesum two…and itz knot yur fault
    if mum getted bad yarn frum de stor…her kneadz ta take it bak…itz knot cat proof ‼️💙💚🐟

  6. The windows aren't open here yet in the swamps, it's still too hot.

    A mani-pedi is a good thing!


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