Saturday, April 4, 2009

Free Rice

There is a game that bean can play about words which helps feed people called Free Rice.

Mum came across this the other day with the word grimalkin. She wasn't sure about this but she is a smart bean and knew that it couldn't be a couple of the words.
She guessed and got it right.
But then don't forget to go to FreeKibbleKat and help feed kitties too!

Happy Saturday, the sun is shining and I am going to go nap in the sun in the front windows. Bye.


  1. Well that's pretty cool Derby!
    We go to FreeKibble every day to feed kitties & the woofies too. The questions are fun to guess!

  2. That is cool. Our mom is gonna try it too. We envy your sun.... today it's grey and foggy here again.

    Abby & Stygia

  3. Your mom was very smart to guess that--but that was what ours guessed too.

  4. We just went there and tried it and mum got up to 1000 grains of rice. She said she will go back again later.

  5. That's interesting, Derby.

    My mum knows Grimalkin from reading John Masefield's "The Midnight Folk" - there are two cats in it called Grimalkin and Black Malkin. She always reads "The Midnight Folk" and "The Box of Delights" in the Christmas holidays.

  6. Thanks for telling us about that site. It's nice to be able to help those in need any way we can.

  7. your mommy is so smart Derby! we'll have to go there. no worries, we go to free kibble almost every day to feed kitties and woofies. yeah, we help the woofies too.

    how is your grass growing going? I love the stuff too. Mommy has some for me but unlike your mommy hasn't actually started growing it yet!

    I hope your weather is nicer than here. it is going to be cold cold cold this coming week. no fair!

  8. We didn't know what that word meant. Your mom is very smart indeed.

  9. elderly female cat, hmmm not sure we liking that one. how bout gracefully wise cat of the know.

  10. Oh, that's a clever word for an old cat.

    The sun is shinning here, too. But it isn't going to last.


  11. I had mum go and play the game to donate some rice. I think she's smarter than I thought.

    Huffle Mawson

  12. Cool site, we had Mamma go and get some free rice for people.

  13. i like to play this game too. perfect for killing the time when waiting for a page to load on the slow internet office.

  14. Hi Derby, just stopping by to see how you are doing. It's been a little while, with momma beans crazy schedule. She has missed you and everyone dearly!

  15. Mom thinks that is an interesting game! Your mom is very smart to guess that word right!

  16. Derby, that is furry interesting and I will have Momma check both sites out, but I am not sure I like that particular word in the rice game, because Simon might decide to call me that! Now Sam is too much of a gentlekitty to even think of calling me that ... hee hee!
    Purrs and headbutts,

  17. That is a cool word. Mom goes there and plays about once a week, and of course we make mom play freekibble every day.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie


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