Thursday, August 25, 2011

Garden Thursday


Good day every one. Virginger here. I was thrilled to be the center of attention here on Tuesday for Cat Talk Day. Yes, we Squillions are a hardy bunch of 'ramic kitties, spread out all over the world.

The garden is starting to slow down a bit, nothing new but still things to show.
The bee coming to the cone flower to get some foods, and when they can't find enough in the flowers...
they come and raid the hummer feeder. Sweet is sweet.
Then we get some of the fevvers stopping by to take a bath or get a drink. Yeck! Who would want to drink someones bath water. But the fevvers don't seem to mind.
Little goldyfinch coming in to get a quick drink.

The boys are inside with their guests. I felt a rumble the other day, probably it was them that caused the earth to quake.

Thanks for stopping by.

Love Virginger.


  1. Fevvers and cone-flowers together! That's two of our favorite things. Haf a pawsome Thursday. xoxo

  2. We enjoyed yoor gardening post today. Fanks.

  3. Lovely Autumn Flowers ! My garden is heading to Spring now ( we got upside down weather from you guys ), But I can see your birdy channel is still awesome : )
    Have a lovely Thursday

  4. Your garden still is quite active! We especially like to see fevvers...Maybe our mom ought to put a birdie bath out in our little garden!

  5. Wow - our garden has really gone wild, if you know what I mean. The lap lady even managed to kill a thistle plant!

  6. You do have nice late summer flowers! That is great.

  7. Still pretty in the backyard!!!
    We think well hang around awhile and watch for bees & hummers. Scout likes to hide under the edges of bushes to stalk them.

  8. This is the pretty time of the summer when flowers are in full bloom. Instead of bees, we have wasps hanging around the hummer feeder. They too are gathering sweet for their hives.

    Continued good gardening, Miss Virginger.

  9. Thanks for the garden tour, Virginger.

  10. Pretty flowers! That little bath for the fevvers must be neat to have...*hint hint*, mama!


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