Saturday, September 23, 2017


Happy Caturday everyone. The hots are back and we are taking it easy these days. No open windows to let the hots in the house, fans running to move the air around and the air chiller is working!

 Sitting so nice with mum on the couch. Usually there is all this junk sitting between us, but not this time.
 So mum reached out to pet my floofy belleh! Yeah, I like that. I got more of belleh rubs this AM when mum first got up.
Flashy box strap, must attack! I got it too! Mum gently took it away from me. Says she needs it to be nice and not chewed up! Hey, I don't wreak things around here, I just play with them.

Well, mum has to take off and go get shot. Not the bad kind of shot but get her flu shot. Then she will be protected from the sickies this winter.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  1. Yeah, it's brutal outside! Enjoy staying inside in the cool with your mom.

  2. Keep cool, Ducky! I hope some open window weather comes along soon.

  3. I wish it would warm up here a bit. Today was nice and sunny and probably reached low 60s, but the rain is back tomorrow.

  4. We'd blame Caroline for your hot weather. She probably screamed it your way!

  5. It's hot here too...we broke a record.

  6. I'm in Sydney, and we broke heat records overnight last night too. Too hot to sleep and I'm exhausted.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. the hots are back here too and I HATE IT. They aren't leaving us til late wednesday, they need to go NOW!! catchatwithcarenandcody


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