Thursday, August 8, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. A full week into August, still warm but not super hot so that is good. We got rain, but not nasty storms this past week. The nasty weather is staying up north.

Mum picked all of the ripe eggy-plants. Now she likes this stuff but not this much. So she saved a few for herself and donated the rest to the food pantry. Still a few ripening on the plant, but not many more. Plus mum is not seeing any new blossoms, so not sure if we will get more later.

The community garden was easy again this week. Water and harvest. It was only mum and one other person who she likes to work with. So that made it a good day to work and only 2 hours of her time.

Even the grass is beginning to grow slower, so mum doesn't have to mow the lawn every week.

That is all. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Too much of a good thing is sometimes difficult to deal with. And when it comes to eggplants, TBT never has been sure what to do with even a few.

  2. Fabulous effort with the eggy-plants mum and very good of you to give some of them away.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Oh, I'd better not show that image to The Hubby; he'd want to roast them up, then make baba ganoush!

  4. Looks like your mum had a good year for eggplants. Very nice of her to give some away. Glad the weather has been good for you recently. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  5. hay ewe grazz round heer iz crispy brown for de most part...noe choppin heer either.....we all sew iz heerin de crazed cricketz all tried ta get in de garage last week N de fSG waz like NOE......we said...bummer...ther goez R snax !! ♥♥☺☺

  6. ok I love almost everything...ALMOST everything. Wish I liked eggplant but I just don't :( Yours DO look nice though!

  7. That is a nice crop off egg plants, or aubergine as we call them in the UK.

  8. Eggplant is pretty popular at our house too!

  9. That is very kind of your mum to share some of that fresh produce. Looks like a great crop!


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