Monday, August 26, 2019

ManCat Monday

To err is human, To purr is feline. - Robert Byrne

I purred lots this weekend as mum was seated working on hats. Yes, more hats but these are for big people from the yarn that Auntie Trish sent. Caturday mum got one hat done and another started afore she went to the sleeping spot. She got a couple more done on Sunday while watching the moving picture box. 
  Plus mum brought these two boxes up from dungeon. Said she needs to double check if she wants to keep anything. Otherwise she knows someone who might want the stuff. Mum would be happy to have a few more things cleared out of the house.
 It was a super nice weekend here with lots of open windows, no fans running and listening to the crickets as we fall asleep.

Have a good week everyone.


  1. Those hats look lovely. Your mum gets on with things!

  2. Good to see ya helping with the decluttering, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Ducky, your mom must crochet as fast as the race cars at The Indy 500! Is there smoke coming off her fingers?...gosh!

  4. My Mom sure wishes she knew how to make hats like your Mom does! Those are wonderful!

  5. Your Mom sure makes cool hats, I hope you get one Ducky!

  6. dood...mum makes total lee awesum hatz...her shuld openz an etsy store !!! N if herz diss cardin stuff...her could get rid oh that vacuum masheen huh !! :) ☺☺♥♥

  7. Those hats are so pretty ! Purrs

  8. Your mum is a crocheting whiz, Ducky!

  9. We love the cute hats. Ducky, we know you will be helping out your mum for what to throw away. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals


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