Saturday, March 6, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. It is starting out with a bright and sunny day. Not warm yet as there is frosting on the roofs of the houses. The snow is gone from our roof but some near us still have snow. But then they didn't have Dan the Man come and rake their roofs.

Here you can see our roof and the part of the garden where the sun has made the snow disappear. Still lots of snow as you can see, but hey, not everything we are seeing is white now.  Mum also says she will have to rake as there is snow mold in places and a mess under the one suet feeder.

The trail behind the house is now visible too. The part by us gets sun almost all day long so it melts first. Lots of snow up and down the trail. Mum said it will be icy so she won't go walking on it any time soon! Yeah mum, don't break anything again OK?

Mum started her last blankie of the season. She has made lots but all the yarns makes her lap warm, especially when I want to sit there too. After this blankie it is on to hats for the summer. 

Mum got a really nice pic of me yesterday. I had my tocks in the sun getting all warm and she was reading for a bit. She got her flashy box out and caught me at my best, looking handsome. 

Mum says we are going to watch and count fevvers later. The early spring birds are back, we can both hear and see them. Keep melting snow, go away!

That is it for now, have a wonderful weekend. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. I hope you two have fun counting birds Ducky!

  2. That is a nice photo of you, Ducky. We seem to have had a lot more birds than usual in our garden this winter.

  3. You are very handsome, Ducky...having some warm sun on your heinie is a good thing!

  4. Yay, things are starting to warm up for you. We seldom get snow here with our mild, temperate maritime climate - it doesn't get really cold, but then it doesn't get really hot either. 25C/77F is a hot Summer day in Wellington. The flying boats start on The Americas Cup for real this Wednesday afternoon, so that will be late on Tuesday for you. Take care and stay safe, Michelle in Wellington, NZ

  5. Oddly enough, we still don't have a lot of birds here, Ducky, so there's not a lot of entertainment. Mom sits outside on the balcony late mornings when it's sunny enough but doesn't see or hear any. Well, except for occasional crows and some stoopy pigeons.

  6. We’re having some warmer and sunnier weather lately and most of our snow is gone now.

  7. I hope you snoopervised Dan the Man closely when he cleared your roof, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Ducky our winter is holding on too but not as tight as yours. Love that picture of you my friend like we love to visit you


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