Saturday, March 13, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. I am feeling just fine after my visit with Dr Tom. He called mum on Thursday to let her know all of my blood tests were normal. Woohoo, I am doing just fine. I lost a bit of weight but he is hoping that during my dental he can tell if my mouth is sore in case I have a bad tooth. Nothing he could see at the appointment that look wrong with my mouth. 

Another WooHoo for the griller machine getting rolled out into place as well. Mum fired it up yesterday just to make sure it would work. Heat it up and get the cooties out. She plans to cook on it later today. 

Mum finished this blankie and has moved on to making hats again. Less warm yarns in her lap as it get warmer. I help to keep her nice and warm too. Mum should go and count how many blankies she has done since October. I am sure it is lots.

Spring flowers! Our first ones of the year. Mum has checked on stuff outside and says she sees lot of new green stuff coming out of the ground. Yay for spring, although the weather guesser is saying we could have snow on Monday! Ick!

We also have some sads. Our little buddy Genji at The Poupounette has left his #1 and taken off to The Rainbow Bridge.  His #1 always called him The Shining Prince, so "Goodnight, sweet prince. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

Mum is a bit sleepy this morning. She is staying up a little bit later than usual to watch the flying boat races. Yeah mum, no worries, we can have a nap this afternoon. Plus today is the day to hide the hour in the clock, so less sleep tonight too. However, the sunsets will be later!

Happy weekend. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.


  1. I am glad your blood tests are normal, Ducky. The crocus are pretty. We only had a few come up this year. I think the mice ate the bulbs. They wouldn't have dared when Eric and Flynn were here. Is that cyclamen leaves in the bottom right corner?

  2. Hooray for those good test results Ducky! We don't get called normal around here very often. We sure were sad to hear about dear Genji.

  3. We're glad you got good results, Ducky ! We're heartbroken for Genji. Purrs

  4. Well done on your exam results Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. I'm glad you got good results from the vet, Ducky! My human got her first dose of the vaccine, thanks to the hospital where we volunteer.

  6. Thank you for mentioning our Genji. We are very touched.

    Purrs & Woofs,
    Tama and Ollie

  7. Am thinking about a nap too; life is just too hurly-burly, without a bit of a snooze here and there.

  8. Really great news Ducky! We are so glad you are doing well and that griller looks ready

  9. So sorry about your friend Genji. :-(

    Glad your test result are okay and Spring Spring Spring!


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