Monday, March 8, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Even with nine lives, cats are never with us long enough.

Oh yeah, you humans never want us to leave but you know we must. It is rare when you leave us behind, although Derby's first human had to leave him behind. 

I sat with mum while she watched THE INTERVIEW last night. Mum thought it was interesting and will be interested to see the reaction of the YouKay peoples, and the rest of you too.

It continues to be nice, melting and such. The window in the kitch-hen has been open just a little bit during the afternoon. Plus the window in the sleepy room is open a little bit over night too. Love the fresh air!

The sun has moved far enuf north that it shines in the big back windows makes it nice to take a nap in my cat cup. Can't wait for it to be so nice that the big window there can be opened. 

Mum made good progress on the last blankie she is making. She watch part of a baseball game, and crashcar too, plus the interview. But she didn't read a book this weekend. She will get back to that today. 

Mum did about 5 minutes worth of yard work. Enuf to rake out the mess from the suet feeder that was all over the grass. Plus a little of the snow mold, but the grass is too wet to do more at this time. 

We counted lots of fevvers, we have seen all of the early spring migrator fevvers. Good thing, plus mum saw a crane flying way overhead as well. Cool!

Have a wonderful week everyone. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask and get the vaccine when you can. 



  1. #1 did not watch the interview and has no plans to watch it. As she read about it, the first thing that came into her mind was "he married his mother." Nuff said.

    You look so comfy in that nice beddie, Ducky!

    Tama and Genji

  2. That looks like a super nice bed! Is it heated?

    The Florida Furkids

  3. We like that cup Ducky and you look so comfy. Mom sounds like she is ready for spring

  4. Your bed looks so comfy ! It looks like your mom is ready for Spring. Purrs

  5. Love of fevvers is a good thing Ducky! We didn't watch the Royal Pain show either.

  6. It is nice to see you are getting more sun, Ducky. I didn't watch the interview and have no intention of doing so. All I will say is that they have a strange way of living the private quiet life they keep saying they want.

  7. Great photos, loving that bed. Need to get my lot some I think :-D

    I didn't watch it, no interest in such matters!

  8. We watched some fundraising thing on PBS that Mom found annoying. We were happy just to snuggle with her and at least she didn't yell at it.

  9. The mom watched that interview too. She thought it was interesting too. Our weather is supposed to be nice all week...maybe I’ll get a window opened! ~Ernie

  10. Ducky, we are happy that you and your mum have been having some nice weather recently. That's a really comfy looking bed. Thanks for sharing. Have a pawsome rest of your week.
    World of Animals Rittenhouse


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