Monday, April 4, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

The ultimate dream of a cat: food that will pet you while you're eating it! - Richard L. Summer

You know we cats want love 24/7! Mum is furry good with giving me love. She even lets me crawl under the covers while she is in her sleepy spot. I get inside and then cuddle up to her side. The other morning I was purring so hard I woke her up!

Hiss, hiss, hiss. We have gotten snow twice in the past week. Not much but enuf to stay on the grass for a while. Mum put the snow shovel away and just let the snow melt from the driveway. It didn't last long. However we are supposed to get more snow today! I want spring!

So me and mum are hanging out inside. Mum reading and doing crow-shay. See the nice colors that are in the new blankie? Mum said the colors would be nice for a baby blankie. Ummm, no babies here, Okay? Mum says not problem.

Yeah, we are in April, but we really don't have spring weather yet. Hoping soon. 

Have a good week everyone.


  1. At least we can laugh, because these have GOT TO BE the last snowstorms fo the season...right? RIGHT?!?

  2. That's snow fun at all Ducky, yikes!

  3. We had snow yesterday, Ducky…and even today. I’m so tired of it!! ~Ernie


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.