Monday, April 18, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

Thou are the Great Cat, the avenger of the Gods, and the judge of words, and the president of the sovereign chiefs and the governor of the holy circle. - Inscription on the Royal Tombs at Thebes

 Yep, me, the Great Cat! One of mum's favorite pics of me. Oh Great One wishes to have many treats and gooshy foods! Oh Yeah. 

Hope you all had a nice Easter. Me and mum spent it quietly. She had one fancy Easter Egg, razzberry flavored inside, chocolate on the outside. No, she did not take any pics! 

It continues to be colder than normal, plus the weather guessers are saying the chance for SNOW! sometime early today. Ick, enough already winter. Give it up and let spring take over. Mum has chores to do outside and doing them in the cold isn't what she wants to do. She says her body is too old to have to try to work in cold. 

Mum worked on and finished her latest blankie yesterday afternoon. She tried to read, fell asleep. So she turned on the baseball game and did crow-shay.
 I inspected the blankie and pronouced it good. One of mum furiends said I was a stute inspector. Hmm, mum, what is a stute? Mum says the word is astute. Mum says that is good and means I am It means clever, perceptive, intelligent. You better believe it baby!

 Have a wonderful week everyone!



  1. Ducky, you've got it made in the shade!

  2. I'm glad you two had a good Easter Ducky. That blankie sure is pretty!

  3. That is a beautiful photo of you, Ducky! You are such a handsome mancat!

    Tama and Benny


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