Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Moving on! I couldn't get into the James Patterson/Bill Clinton Book. I haven't been much of a reader of Patterson's work anyway, but I have read a few. Kent State is a graphic novel which was my first of that format.

The Julie Chase books are cute. She runs a pet clothing store in New Orleans. Gets involved with helping to solve crimes. Only four books total, I wish she would write more. Last one was published in 2019. Although the author has other series that she writes.

Nightmare Scenario is on the response, or lack thereof of the Trump administration on the pandemic.

Curiosity Killed the Cat Sitter was the first of a series of books by Blaize Clement. I just finished the last one. Her son wrote the last few after her death. Not likely to be more, but there was a cliffhanger in the last book. It was like, AHHHHHH, you can't leave me hanging by bringing this character back. Guess the story can continue in my mind, with how I would finish the story.

Yep, and I went to a small grade school with more than one grade in the same room. So while the teacher was busy with another grade, I could read or get any assignments done which meant no work to take home!


  1. Books from your photos that I've read:
    The Whole Cat and Caboodle
    The President is Missing
    Our library uses the same Sherlock Holmes sticker for their mystery books, although right now, since it's in a temporary location, I haven't looked at them recently.
    I've been pulling audiobooks from the Overdrive app on my phone, and having cracked open a book in awhile, despite getting new ones all of the time.
    Enjoy your reading!

  2. I really like Deborah Crombie but haven't read any of her recent ones.

  3. I never much got into Patterson either, but you have some goodies!

  4. Another interesting selection. Thanks for sharing.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Yeah, James Patterson has definitely gone a little downhill lately. But you've given me more ideas of books to read. ~the mom

  6. That's quite the collection this time! Dad says yay for Death by Cherry Chocolate Cheesecake...


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