Monday, April 11, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

Only cat lovers know the luxury of fur coated musical hot water bottles that never grow cold.

Yep, we can keep you all warm, all year long! Mum likes it when I sit on her to help keep her all warms. 

I wasn't a happy kitty this past weekend. Mum took off on Friday morning and I didn't see her again until Sunday evening. Sheesh lady. Your job is to provide me with a lap!

Not to worry I was well cared for. Auntie Kellie came over everyday to make sure I had my foods, scoop my box and give me some play time. 

Where was she? Yeah, off playing with racy cars for the first time this year. The first weekend is usually a long one. Mum was happy to see people she hasn't seen in a while. She wasn't happy with the weather. It was cold, windy with snow showers. Caturday was sunny but a little cool. Sunday, warmer but really windy. Mum was very happy to get home with me. She got all her junk in from the metal monster, then sat down so I could sit on her lap. I got lots of loves from her. 

 Glad mum is home, she won't be off again for a few more weeks. 

Have a good week everyone!


  1. Oh c'mon Ducky. Your mum knows the rules. If she's gonna take off like that, she's gotta bring home some gooshey foods fro you. Put your paw down, I say.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. We've been very happy having #1 home and handy for over a week, but knowing her, it won't last.

    Lovely pics of you, Ducky!

    Tma and Benny

  3. dood.....shame on mum for knot bringin ewe home 4 poundz oh steak anda donut afturr bee in gone for elventee bazillion ~~~~

    ;) ♥♥

  4. I'm glad your lap Mum came home for you Ducky!

  5. I’m sorry your mum was gone all weekend, Ducky. Hopefully she’ll make up for it by giving you lots of scritches and treats this week.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.