Monday, June 6, 2022

Mini-ManCat Monday

One fact that never remains hidden from cats is the sentiment a person holds towards them.

Yeah, I knows that mum loves me. She tried very hard on Caturday to give me hugs since it was Hug Your Cat Day. I wasn't in the mood for hugs, so when mum tried, I walked away! Now I was in the mood for hugs yesterday, so I got lots of them on Sunday!

See! Me and mum all cuddled together. I loves it when I can just sit on her like this. I know she likes it too.

Mum is starting to crow-shay hats. She got silly and put the start of a hat on me. She had that color and you can see two more large balls of yarns for hats on the table.

We had purr-fect weather for two days last week. Thursday and Friday. Sunny, warm but not hot, a gently breeze, no humidity. Mum wants lots more days like this. Me too! That means I would get lots of open windows. 

Plus mum has a couple of anniversaries to amember. She moved into this house 20 years ago, and 36 years ago she moved into her first house. Interesting she moved in on the same day for both houses. Plus in big history it is the 78th anniversary of D-Day. A couple of pics from when mum was in Normandy France a few years ago.

Have a good week everyone.


  1. We humans will take our kitty hugs when we can get them!
    The Hubby and I have only owned one house, and we both figure we'll leave feet first.

  2. #1 remembers fondly getting together with your Mon when she was in Paris!

    Tama and Benny

  3. Dat hat does look pretty good on ya!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.