Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday 2022

A short stack from one pickup. Must have been slow coming in from other libraries. While I live close to the library I don't feel I have to be there every week. Usually with the way I get through things I am there about every 2-3 weeks. Our normal check out period is three weeks.

Early February check outs. Mostly my usual mystery types, so all of these were read.

The Duke Undone was too much of a romance novel for me, didn't make it through. The Women of Chateau Lafayette, also in interesting premise, but not to my taste after the first bit.  The Windsor Knot is a cute who done it with the Queen doing the investigation of a crime at Windsor Castle.

I am reading my 100th book of the year. Started it on Tuesday. Last year I didn't hit 100 until July28th.

They forgot chocolate! The non-messy kind you can eat while reading. 

The hots are here, staying inside, staying cool and reading!

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