Monday, April 3, 2023

Mini-ManCat Monday

I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little they become its visible soul. - Jean Cocteau

Happy April everyone. The last of the snow in our yard went away on Friday, we had thunderbooming storms, the for a bit on Caturday morning the snow flakes flied but didn't stick. Snow is still on the big piles, but mum hopes we are done with the white stuff for many months. 

Mum moved the griller machine out to where she can use it, but hasn't actually grilled anything. Soon she says! Burgers for all. 

The basey ball season has started, so mum watched a bit of the home town team games. Lots of sports this weekend. Basketball, racy cars too. Which means mum sits and I can sit on her. 

Mum doing her usual crow-shay, the latest color. Sheesh mum you don't ever stop, well, unless she is doing the book reading stuff. 

Everyone have a wonderful week.




  1. Sounds like you both had a good weekend.

  2. The crow-shay colors really compliment your furs.

  3. Mark's Mews: Glad yer Winter is done! We barely got a dusting this year. And in fact, we think the freezing nights are gone too. TBT put his lettuce trays out on the deck today.

  4. Ducky, you can only hope that she doesn't start listening to audiobooks, which means she can read and crochet at the same time!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.