Monday, September 16, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

The really great thing about cats is their endless variety. One can pick a cat to fit almost any kind of decor, color, scheme, income, personality, mood. But under the fur, whatever color it may be, there still lies, essentially unchanged, one of the world's free souls. - Eric Gurney 

It is Monday again. We had another really good week weather wise. No rains, warmish, lots of open windows. Enjoying it, as is mum. 

We never did catch our ground hog with the trap our pest man put out. Mum has even been watching and hasn't see it. Lots of chip-the-monk, sqwerls, bunnehs, but no ground hog. The pest man took the trap away yesterday. 

Mum was not happy with me. I was burrowing my way into her lap and I got a claw snagged on the blankie. Mum had to pull the stuff out and redo it as she likes her stuff to be as purrfect as possible. It wasn't a super amount she had to redo. After she fixed it, she did clippy claws on me!

 Mum took a pic of me in the mirror. I was snoozing on the back of the other chair. It is a bit fuzzy and mum cropped it down so you can mainly see just me.

Feetsball Report

The Pack pulled out a victory, even with QB2. Good that they didn't lose the game as they would have been the only team in the NFC Central without a win. They beat the ponies from Indy. 

You can see me sitting on mum and the crow-shay during the game.

Mum watched lots of sports yesterday. The Pack feetball game, the Brew Crew baseball game, CrashCar and some other feetsball games too, but not the entire games. 

You all have a good week, hope you are getting lots of open windows like I am.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

First time this has happened to me. I was reading a non-fiction book and as I went from the bottom of the left hand page to the right hand page the story change, font change etc. It went on this way for 30 pages and it skipped the pages that should have been there. If you look at how books are made there are mini-sections of paper, then bound together to make a full book. Someone must have grabbed the wrong set of pages. I went to a different library that had the book and checked it out. AFTER I checked to make sure it had the missing pages.  

I got lots of reading done on Tuesday as I skipped TV and the debate. I even minimized what local news I did. Weather is quiet, so don't even need to watch for the weather. Sports is easy to look up the scores. 

Oh yeah, Ducky and I are happy that ARodg lost on Monday night. He did make it through the entire game.

Postmortem is the first book of the Kay Scarpetta series. Kay is a medical examiner. In this book Kay is involved with a case that involves a serial killer who seems to target women who live alone. The book was fine, but I don't feel I needed to get into a series that has 27 more books to read!

The Reporter Who Knew Too Much is a recounting of the life and death of reporter Dorothy Kilgallen. Did she accidentally overdose, commit suicide or was she murdered? The first half of the book is about her life, the second on the premise that she was killed. She was investigating the JFK assassination and all of her files from this were missing and have never been found. I remember her not as a reporter but as a member of the panel on What's My Line?

A Three Dog Problem a book in the Queen Elizabeth Investigates series and a duplicate of All the Queen's Men which I read in 2022.  Why the publisher did this I have no idea, but I had to get this book through inter-library loan from a small library in southwest Wisconsin. Once I started to read it I realized I had already read it! Plot? there has been a death at Buckingham Palace. Accident or murder? Plus, how did one of the Queen's favorite paintings end up in a Portsmouth exhibit? Set in the near past, can the Queen solve this one? 

I too have traveled all over earth, soared into space and explored distant planets. Accomplished many things. All while staying home. 


This is me, using my library. You can do it too.

If you want someone to love reading, just let them read what they want on whatever topic. Once you learn to love reading your book interest will expand. As a kid, if it didn't have a horse in it, I didn't read it. Thankfully lots of good children's books with horses! Walter Farley with The Black Stallion series, Marguerite Henry Misty of Chincoteague and more.

I even went back as an adult and reread all of Walter Farley's books in the order they were published. I also found out his son Steven has written about a dozen books as well with the Black Stallion as the main character.

Happy Reading.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Cats are designated friends. - Norman Corwin 


Thank you for being my furiends. We have such a grate group of kits and humans. Mum and I have been part of it for years. 

The weather has been super nice. Mum has had the windows open lots, although over the past couple of mornings it was kinda cool out. Not enuf for the heaty monster to come on, but mum did have a light jacket on inside. I was firmly snuggled in my heaty bed.

Feetsball Report 

Yep it is that time of year again. Mum watched bits of various games since last Thursday. The only entire game was The Pack. 

The Pack, what can I say, they need to only play in Mericky. Our QB JLove messed up his knee at the end of the game. Several years ago The Pack played in London, ARodg broked a finger on the last play of the gam. They didn't win either game. 

ARodg plays Monday night. Mum is hoping he gets dumped on his backside a few times. 

That is all until next week. Have a grate week.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

September! All the kids are back in school, time to watch for kids walking to school (yes, they still do that in my community), school bus runs. The weather turned really nice and cool. Great for open windows for me and Ducky. 

Like I said last week, you can tell me what you are reading in your comments. Doesn't mean I will read it, but I will check it out. Like what I say am reading, you may want to read it, maybe not. Just suggestions! I have friends who have similar taste in books, but some authors I have started reading their books, others nope. 

Trout Town, that blanket was not made for Ducky! The blankets I make get donated to humans through the local food pantry.  

I made a library run yesterday and picked up ten books, was only expecting eight. Two longer term holds came in unexpectedly. Lots to read and the first one started is the one I can't renew as it has more holds on it.

My TBR is down to 115 books and the oldest books were added in October 2023. I scrubbed the list and took some non-fiction books that are sort of out of date in terms of current history. Also a few less political type stuff too, enough of that as well. My last check out slip I have checked out just over $3000 in books this year. 

The Vanishing Museum of the Rue Mistral, so how does the entire contents of a museum just disappear? Paintings, ceramics, and a complete service of Sevres porcelain. Everything gone but the desk and a fern. Who took it and where did they stash the goods?

Everyone Here is Lying a nine year old girl with ADHD is home early, on her own when her father comes home. He gets angry, hits her and leaves. When the rest of the family comes home she is gone. Did she run away, was she abducted or did her father take her? Page turner!

The Last Flight - another page turner. Claire and Eva are both looking to leave bad relationships. Claire is married to a high powered man who is looking to run for political office. In private he is cruel and abusive and Claire is making plans to get away. Her first plan gets scrubbed and while waiting for a flight at JFK she switches tickets, ID's etc. with Eva. The catch, the flight that Claire was supposed to be on crashes in the ocean. Claire is finding out that Eva was running from. Did they both manage to survive?

According to my local library system it is Library Card month. Get one and use it!

 Happy Reading

Monday, September 2, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

When you are looking, a cat acts like a princess, but the minute they think you are not looking, a cat acts like a fool. - KC Buffington 

Fool? Or foolish? Me never!


This is an oldie pic. The old table and Derby! Derbs loved to chill out on the table in the sun. 

We expect a quiet day today for Labor Day. Mum might labor using the grass eater. Me, just the usual. Eat, sleep, poop! MOL!

We are trying to catch the ground hog. Mr Pest Man Tom came last week with this trap. It has been trying to dig under the patio, so if it tries to go back in it will catch him. Mum did see him on Caturday near this area, but didn't go inside. Only one way in and hopefully no way to get out once in the trap.

Have a great week everyone!