Friday, July 7, 2006

Peek a Boo, I see you

Just waiting for mum to come in the door from work. Time to ambush her for scritches and play time for the weekend. Even more time to be with mum 'cuz she gotted home early today.Yipee.

Blackie finally made it to Zeus and Isis's house. Seems the guy didn't read his ticket properly at the station down there. So poor Blackie had to wait until they gotted there and picked him up. He was supposed to have been personally escorted to their door. But Vir-ginger says he was alway a little absent minded, so he probably didn't think to speak up about the wait.

Since I gots extra time with mum this weekend, guess we will take extra advantage of it. Which for mum means no 'puter, which means no 'puter for me either. Have fun everyone.

Update: Mum gotted the carpet fixed tonight. Part of the reason she was home early. So no more bumps in the carpet now, so maybe I earned my life back after breaking her Galileo thermometer.


  1. No puter?!?! That's like bein grounded! Poor, poor Derby! Was you too sassy? Wul, haf a nice weekend anywho.

  2. Have a great weekend with your momma, Smiley Boy!

    Patches Lady

  3. You look very stealthy there Derby! Hope the weekend is fun for you.

  4. New carpet is great. Dig right in! (no, you didn't hear us say that...).

  5. New carpet and no computer? Are these related? Hope you had a good time with your mum this weekend!

  6. I hope you had a terrific time with your human lady pet this weekend, Derby! Thanks again for Blackie, and would you believe he's already getting into trouble? Unbelievable!

  7. Hope you hadded a good time wif your mommy this weekend!

  8. Did you have a good time with your mum, Derby? That is a funny picture of you. Wet stuff is falling out of the sky here in London. I sent you something in the post today - look out for it!!

  9. That is one cool photo of you Derby!



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