Sunday, December 3, 2006

Sunday Night

The snow is still here and it is furry cold, when mum opens the door to the outside. I have been watching the birdies come and eat at the feeder. Which means I can lay on the heaty spot in the floor to stay warm.

Mum did my shopping for my Secret Paw today. Or at least some of the shopping. Will have to review with her that she gotted everything she was supposed to.

Plus we had company today. Miss Lynn who helped take care of me when mum was gone to Mexico came over to visit.
She has been wanting to learn how to cro-shay and mum said she would help her. So they worked on that for a while. But Miss Lynn also tooked time to play with me too.
Jack and some others had questioned if goldfish are really good ch'i with fang shui. I don't know, I don't have any here. I am just reporting what Catfucious said.

And Patches said the only mergency would be if we ran out of food. Mum is pretty good at that for both her and me. We won't starve if we can't leave the house for a few days. Mum would be more worried about getting out if she had to go out if anything would happen to Grampie. I guess the gold in goldfish is just color, I don't think they are a lot of money.

Guess that is about all that happened here this weekend. Hope the rest of you had a good weekend.


  1. Thanks for clearing up those questions, Derby. I have been sitting by the big hot box, meditating on goldfish. Nothing good was coming of it, and I was just getting hungrier and hungrier.

    Precious just loves playing with her feather dancer, just like you do. Daddy says Momma doesn't know "how to do it, she does it all wrong," and then he proceeds to show her the "right way." To be honest, I can't tell the difference.


  2. Looks like you had some fun play time!

  3. Miss Lynn sounds like a lovely cat sitter. Stay warm and cozy indoors!

  4. you're really getting into playing wif Miss Lynn! Looks like lots of fun

  5. Our mom wishes you lived here so she could learn to crow-shay too. She's wanted to for a long time, but is too lazy to purr-sue it.

  6. It looks like you like this other woman. I never let other humans know I really ike them. The Woman suspects but I keep her guessing too.

  7. You look so kitteny playing with that toy Miss Lynn has. She must be a good friend to come and play with you and teach you to crochet.

  8. we sended our Secret Paw purresent to werk wif our Lady today. she'd better remember to mail it like she's 'posta.

  9. What it is Derby? How are you? Trade links?

  10. We need to send our Mom out for SP too, but she said something about waiting for payday. Those are some good shots of you playing - make our Mom want to rub your belly in the one picture.

    The Monsters

  11. Yummy........gowldfish! I'd say the gowld in gowldfish is what makes them super yummy!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.