Friday, December 1, 2006

Snow Day

Mum stayed home and worked from home. She said they had decided that already at work yesterday. So she gotted up later than usual for a work day. But when she heard it thunder, yes, thunder, then she gotted up. That is when the really heavy snow started. So she worked and I napped and watched it snow and watched the birdies in the snow.

Mum even wented out and brushed the snow off, then refilled all of the feeders as the snow was so deep on them. So you can see some of my birdie furiends filling up their tummies with good food. They will need it to stay warm. Mr. Cardinal is here along with some doves.
Then mum wented out to use the snow eating machine and take a few pictures as well. By the time she was done the sun was beginning to come out. That means it will be furry cold here tonight. You can see how much snow had built up on the birdie bath. Mum was guessing 8-10 inches from this storm.
This is the same tree I showed you yesterday, but with the new snow fall. Plus one of the neighbors came over with a big snow eating machine and moved the heavy snow from the end of the driveway. Mum says that is good and we could go out if there is an emergency, but we are planning to stay home and stay warm.


  1. whoa - that's a lotta white stuff an it looks furry cold. is the little fev-ver frum yesterday's post gonna be okay? he looks cute. it's nice of yur mum ta take care of the fev-vers.

  2. dat's too much snow furr us. If'n we went outdoors we'd get cold tummies an frozun paws. Must be freezing friday.

  3. That is a lot of snow!!! Makes us feel cold just looking at it. No chance of snow here, London has just had the warmest autumn since 1659, apparently. And we've only had 1 frosty night so far. It is warm and wet. Do Mericky robins migrate? British robins don't, they stay around all year. They are famous for it. That is why they are always pictured on Christmas cards.

  4. That looks pretty, although I'm not really sure what snow is. Yes, stay home and stay warm - I *know that's good!

  5. The only mergency I can think of is you run out of food. Now your place looks like ours!


  6. That's definitely the one major thing my human pet misses about living up north: all of the beautiful snow. I have never seen snow in person, but the human pet tells us stories about it all the time. Those pictures are absolutely beautiful!

  7. oh, wow! you got our snow!!! our mom's p.o.'d 'cause we only got about 3" at our house (on toppa the 3" of ice).

    fanks for the pictures; she is furry happy to see them. hope you have lotsa nice cuddles and stay warm!

  8. YIKES! You are covered with the white cold stuff already. If we had seen this earlier, we would have known it was going to be cold 3 lights ago.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.