Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Tree

I waited until mum came home last night and plugged the lights in the wall for the tree. Then I figured it was time to do my best to work on the tree. I like to rub against the tree, it gives me scritches, plus I was putting the bitey to the lights, mum wasn't happy about that. Mum had big fat books on the bottom to try to keep it straight, but I could still push it over.
But Grampie came over this morning and they worked on a boxy thing to put the tree up on and the base of the tree fits inside so it won't slide out. Plus they put big heavy bricks inside the box which won't let me push the tree over. Plus now that the tree is just a little bit higher, I can't easily get my scritches from it or put the bitely on the lights. Bummer mum, I like putting the bitey on the tree.
Then to hide the box thing, mum gotted this out of a box in the dungeon. Her mum made this many years ago. So now everything looks purrty and the ugly box is hidden.

William mentioned that he has a tree like this. Mum saw that last year and liked it. So when all the trees wented on sale last year after Christmas, mum wented and got this one. Actually it had two trees inside the box. But mum only puts up the one tree.


  1. Yur lights and all the stuff looks so warm and inviting. Makes us feel the Christmouse spirit.

  2. Foiled by your mum. Well, there are other ways to get your scritches and put the bitey on stuff. You're smart ... You'll figure it out very quickly, Derby.
    DaisyMae Maus

  3. Foiled by your mum. Well, there are other ways to get your scritches and put the bitey on stuff. You're smart ... You'll figure it out very quickly, Derby.
    DaisyMae Maus

  4. that's a cool tree - too bad your mommy and grampie are so smart to fix it so that you can't get your skritches

  5. Foiled, eh Derby? Hmm, we'll have to think this one through so you can continue improving on that tree.

  6. Wow, yoo did an awesome job taking down yer tree!! Now yoo gotta werk on taking down the tree AND the box!! Gud luk to ya.

  7. they won this round, but we know you'll think of something. good luck!

  8. Did you take down that tree by yourself? you are SO clever - well done. We haven't managed to do our traditional make the tree fall over yet.
    Your tree looks good either up or down

  9. Hi Derby. Thanks for your concern. I made it through to Blogger Beta okay so far! :)

  10. That's a furry pretty tree, Derb. I can understand why you would want to put some scritches on that tree. :)

  11. Maybe if you asked nice, would your mum put that second tree up somewhere just for you? Your mum keeps neat stuff in her dungeon.

  12. My mom had to put ours on a box this year too! (I've already kinda scratched two chunks out of the trunk and gone after the garland.) I didn't get to tip it over, though--Mom weighted it down with 4 bricks--so I didn't get as much fun with it as you did!

  13. TIMBER! Good job bringing down the tree. I haven't brought ours down before ... I usually just put the bite on a string of lights.

  14. Oh, Santa is right on your tree skirt. That means Santa is there, watchin' you all the time!!

    Your friend
    Misty E


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