Saturday, December 29, 2007

Winter Wonderland

The snow machine was at it again yesterday. Mum worked from home so she didn't have to go out with the crazy drivers to get home. Plus she had to use the snow eating monster, again.

So here are an assortment of pictures from yesterday during the storm, some even at night and then today.
So where was I during all of this. Having a nap pile with the new seven kitties on mum's new throw! She took a picture of me from outside while she was working.
Plus with the snow it brings lots of birdies around to eat at our feeders I get so 'acited when they come around. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and lots of snack.
Ah, the good life. Stay warm and dry everyone.


  1. Wowie, that is a lot of snow! I like those pictures of you in hunter-mode.

  2. You stay warm as well Derby! You've had quite a winter this year!

  3. That's a lot of snow. Stay warm.

  4. We dropped by to catch up on what you have been doing. Looks like you had a nice Christmas and lots of snow. Stay warm and don't eat frozen birds. Wait till they thaw out in the spring.

    jan's funny farm

  5. wow, we nefer gets any snow here. not unless you count once every 10 years or so for one day. we is for anything that brings the fevvers closer to the house so we can watch them up close.

    stay warm!

    yuki & kimiko & kintaro

  6. Wow Derby , Me and my mum has never seen dat much snow. I hopes you both is warm and dry and can stay home today.

    I is glad you is feeding the birdies, dems must be hungry.

  7. OH WOW!!! Look at those Birds!!! Can I come visit and help you hunt? I live kinda close I guess. I can teleport over while Mom and Dad are out of town. Have a good week buddy!

  8. You wook fuwwy cozy in there!

  9. Very pretty pictures!
    You look like quite the mighty hunter!

  10. Very Beautiful Photos. Have a Happy
    and Healthy New Year :)

  11. That is a lot of snow!! We didn't really know about snow before we moved here to Coloh-rah-do. You have the right idea, napping and watching birdies.

    Thank you so very much for my secret paws presents!!! I posted pictures on my blog today...

  12. wow, that is so pretty. we've got little crappy piles of grey/brown snow scattered around. it's really ugly here. my Mom says she's happy we don't have snow, but what the heck, i don't have to go out and deal with it.....

  13. wow, it's really pretty, however my Mom says she's really glad that snow is there and not here. somethin' 'bout drivin' and slippin' and fallin'. i don't know, i just know it's really ugly here, grey/brown with little dirty piles of snow.

  14. Wowww.... that is really lots of snow~!
    And I love seeing your look of watching birds~!
    Our window is the best TV~!

    Happy New Year to you Derby~!

  15. Those fat little birds in that tree look delicious!!!

  16. Derby, your outside-the-window is so pretty! It hardly never looks like that here. Mommy says it does once in a blue moon. But I haven't seen any of those, either!

  17. Wow Derby! I've never seen a Winter Wonderland! My pet human says it's cold......colder than San Diego.

    I hope you have a thick coat on now!


    Skittles, The Huntress

  18. That's a lot of snow :-0 While your Mum was busy with the snow moving machine, I see you were busy, too, doing birdie watch. That's a very important job, too, and I can tell you do it very well!

  19. Me-owzer, those birdies look delicious! =^..^=

  20. That's about as close as you want to get to the great outdoors right now. It's pretty but it's cold.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.