Sunday, June 15, 2008


Mum, the big plastic thingy that holds my food, it is all air and no food. Does this means that I have to go on a diet? Mum you have never let me down with giving me foods, you better not blow it this time.

Ah, this is much better. Crunchies, crunchies and more crunchies. I shouldn't have worried, she had a new bag outside in the metal monster just waiting to fill this up.
I know mum I should have more faith in you, you haven't let me down on the food thing yet.



  1. I would have freaked out if my food container was empty!

  2. You had me scared there for a minute!
    Happy Father's Day to your Grampy!

  3. Happy Father's Day to your Grampy.

    We always worry when the food thing gets empty around here. We never know what new food Mommy is going to inflect on us. ~Socks, MoMo, Scylla, Charlotte & Charybdis

  4. We need a big container like that for our food. Jan keeps it in the bag and transfers it to small jugs. We get REAL nervous when those jugs empty. But she always comes up with more.

    So far. She better not fail us either. We like to eat.

    purrs and tail wags
    and {{{hugs}}}

  5. The first photo made me feel a little bit nervous. I feel much better seeing your filled-up food bin.

  6. Whoa, I almost fainted when I saw that first photo! The second one revived me. :)

  7. Mmmm...the second picture makes my mouth water...Mmmmm. You are one lucky Derby cat! Can you have as much as you want?

  8. Our mommies luvs us so much!

    Happy Father's Day to your kitty-grampy!

  9. Whoa dooood...that's a lot of crunchy food! I wish we had that much here!

  10. Oh - we were worried there for a second! It's a good thing your Mum had more food.


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