Thursday, June 9, 2011

Garden Thursday

::3 paw taps::

Hello everyone, Virginger here. Hope your week is going well, mine has. With the nice weather mum is spending more time outside with me! I like that, she did some outside work to make our patio prettier last weekend. I figured I would hang out in the crabby apple tree for a while and stay out of her way.
The hots are here, at least for a couple of days. Mum took this picture when she came home from day hunting. Ninety after 5 PM and in the shade.
The hot weather is moving our flowers along, where they seemed so slow, now they are catching up.
Pink iris
Deep maroon iris.
Pink pee-o-knee.
White pee-o-knee. Mum says this one always looks the best, full, lots of flowers.

Thanks for stopping by, see you next week.


  1. OMC! What beautiful flowers! We especially like the pee-o-knees.

  2. Your blooms are gorgeous! Our peonies (in this area, we mean, we don't have any of our own) are just starting to open now.

    And 90F in the HOT, HOT, HOT! We hope you're all staying well-hydrated!

  3. Such a nice garden! Such nice blooms too!
    It was 100 here two days ago. Today 60!! 40 degree drop....we wish the crazy weather would decide!

  4. Hi Virginger! We love your garden. We know about the hots - we have had them at our house too. Lucky for us they are gone - at least for now. WE are glad that the hots are helping your garden along - at least one good thing comes from them!!


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