Monday, October 29, 2012

ManCat Monday

  Nobody can give a withering stare quite as crushing as a disdainful cat. - Author Unknown

First, all the kitties and beans out on the east coast getting bothered by Sandy, be safe. Our Uncle Flip is out there and we don't want anything bad to happen to him or anyone. 

We are having lovely weather, the storm out east gives us good weather, so sunpuddles to nap or bathe in! Mum did you have to take such an unflattering shot?!

 Once mum was done watching the Packer feetsball game she went off and stocked up on fevver food for our guys outside. We will be counting fevvers on the weekend with mum real soon for Project Feeder WatchIf you have fevver feeders, consider joining us in the watch. Provides information for science guys and gals to know about fevvers.

Then when she got back she put away the chairs and stuff from outside, so we have a clear view of the fevvers and sqwerls.

Oh yeah, we haven't had a moovie lately. So here is one of Derby, jumping into the hot rain room after mum is done. Moovie is rated G, mum does not appear nekkid, than cod. That would be just to aweful for anyone to have to see. 

Mum uploaded a different moovie. Sheesh, can't she get anything right! Still rated G, getting loves this past weekend from mum.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - The sort of good team showed up. They managed to win, but it wasn't pretty. But the cool, blocked punt for a TD was good. Plus our Dancing Donald Driver got to play and scored a TD as well

The Broncos  - playing on Sunday night against those Saintly guys. It is the third quarter, the Bronco's are winning. Mum says she probably won't stay up to see the end.


  1. Derby, I can't believe your human asked if you wanted treats! What a silly question!

  2. Lucky you having sun puddles. We hope the storm doesn't do any damage and everyone stays safe. Enjoy watching the birdies, I think we would like to join in with that too :)xx

  3. When they're eyes are glued to the tv watching sports like that your only option is to get right in their face! Good Job!

  4. We hope all our friends that are affected by Sandy stay safe too.

    What a great movie!

    The Paw Relations

  5. Those are excellent rubbins! Your Mum knows her way around a kitty.

  6. meowloz D & D...grate mewvie and we reeely luved yur commen tarry at 1:30 !!!!

    hope we both haza awesum kinda monday

    peace out N rock on, long live trout !

  7. That was some first class scritching you were getting.
    We hope everyone on the east coast stays safe.

  8. That was a good movie...we liked seeing you get scritched.

    We'll join you in that birdie watch. That's something we're really good at!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.