Monday, May 20, 2013

Mini ManCat Monday

The cat lets Man support her. But unlike the dog, she is no handlicker. Furthermore, unlike Man's other great good friend the horse, the cat is no sweating serf of Man. The only labor she condescends to perform is to catch mice and rats, and that's fun. - Vance Packard

HiYa, Ducky here. Another week starts, we had a good weekend, we hope you did too. We had warms and the windows were wide open for whiffing!

Mum was so bizzy cleaning, laundry shuffling and such, she didn't take pictures of us. She did however see a new fevver she has never seen afor on Sunday. 

 Mum says it is a Scarlet Tanager and while she took it a bit easy on Sunday afternoon, it came by and sat in the tree for a bit. Mum was trying to get fevver pictures, so she had the fancy flashy box outside with her. The one with the big zoomer lens, so it looks all close.

So Derby and I napped a lot inside by the open windows, mum was outside with the flashy box and her book. Not a bad day overall.


  1. Well of COURSE we only do things we like. Duh! MOL!

  2. Wow, I think you guys missed some awesome Bird TV!

  3. What a gorgeous bird! We've never seen one (or our human, either).

  4. Excellent pic! Happy Monday, boys.

  5. D & D...we hope ta cod yur mom dinna make ewe look at that burd.....she putted itz pick sure on YUR blog bee leeve it ore knot.....

  6. OMC!! Mommy says she has only seen a tananger a couple of times, they are shy! He's beautiful.

  7. That's a gorgeous bird. We don't have them on this side of the pond.

    We have had nothing but rain and the temps are HALF what they should be this time of year!

    The Chans

  8. Wow! What a pretty birdie! We've never seen one like that before!

  9. That is a very pretty bird. Mum says it is exciting when you see a new one.

  10. Beeuteeful birdie! The vibrantly colored ones are rumored to be the most tasty...

  11. How nice to have a quiet ,camera free weekend with the warms and wiffies!!
    Mom likes the pic of the bird! She says it's so pretty!
    Enjoy your day boys :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  12. That's a beautiful bird! :) Maybe even too pretty to eat.... ;)

    Carmine, Milita, and Jewel

  13. That was a great day, and such a pretty birdie!!!

  14. I bet when you saw that bird you said the same thing I said Thank you Lord for this meal I am about to ingest. MOL!

  15. Hmmmm, I think he looks just DELISHUS. I'll be he's spicy.

  16. We have tonnes and tonnes of birds here but I've never - not EVER - seen one as beautiful as that! purrs


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