Monday, February 24, 2014

ManCat Monday

God has created the cat to give man the pleasure of caressing the tiger. Theophile Gautier

First we send comforting purrs to Nigels' family, he ran off to The Bridge over the weekend. If you haven't been over to leave a message, you can go here.

We had a nice weekend. For the first time in ages it didn't snow on the weekend. So we had lots of sun puddles to nap in all weekend.

 Even with all the cold temperatures the sun is getting stronger. We can see a tiny stripe of grass along the driveway.
 The bit just in front of the house is bare as well, this doesn't get a ton of snow since the roof sticks out a bit, but even so, it is nice to see the ground.
 Even a bit of grass sticking out, in the back and you can see a little bit of melty in the bright sun, even though it was cold.
 Mum was working hard on her colorful blankie this weekend. She says she wants to get it done!
Have a wonderful week every one.


  1. Could spring maybe be around the corner for you kitties?

  2. It was an awful shock to read that Nigel had passed so suddenly. :-(

    We're glad you didn't get any snow this weekend. Here everything still is frozen, though we had a downpour most of Friday, which froze up later that night. We're in another polar vortex all week, hope it misses you. We're all DESPERATE for spring to arrive!

  3. We seem to be way ahead of you in the signs of spring category. We have crocuses out and some wildflowers too!

    We hope that spring comes to you too very soon!

    Such a shock about sweet Nigel. Snuggle up to all those you love!

    The Chans

  4. I'm glad you got a snow break. 'Course, I bet you know it's not over yet!

  5. fishes two ewe both fora grate week ahead az well...we can see sum grazz heer in TT all sew.....well, itz kinda sorta grazz...but ewe noe what we meen !!! heerz ta a toona filled week ~~~~~

  6. It's hard for your mum to finish her blankie if you guys keep trying to sit on it while she's working on it.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. I hope Spring is not far off.
    I was very sad to hear about Nigel too.

  8. *brrrrr* it looks so cold guys...right now we have lots of sun puddles...and windows open with warm air coming in...but we could sure use some a billion gallons of it...sigh...California is dry, dry, dry

  9. We hope spring is just around the corner for everyone. We were shocked at the news about Nigel, too. :(

  10. Our snow is starting to melt too...we can't wait for it to all go away!

  11. Glad you got some sunshine - hope spring is on its way for you!

  12. No melting here...we have 10 below nights happening all week.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.